Here: Truth has always been more valuable to me than anything else. It is not my intention to hurt others by telling the truths I know. But, truth has to be said. I am learning love. And I am learning feelings. The importance of preserving other’s feelings. I pray, in time, you shall come to forgive me for my delay. I have always known that like peeling a band aid, truth can sting a while. But given time to heal, it can be beneficial to wear it and to take it off. Sometimes, telling the truth is the most loving thing one can do for you. I ask you, brothers, sisters of the world, accept truth when you see it. Face truth when you feel it. Learn from it and amend your ways. God loves you all so very much. Think of this. If what I am saying is true, He has sent me not for me. Yes, He has blessed me enormously. Because of what I endured for this. He sent me for you. For not only the Church. Not just the bride of Christ. He sent me for the entire world. I have often prayed in my rosary for the world. Meditating on this has helped me to understand that Jehovah loves His entire creation. He would never let them fall to their ruin without giving them a chance. A chance to repent. Brothers, sisters, God is in love with you. Heed Him. Answer His call. When you hear truth, God wants to heal you. It’s the reason for truth. Is to lead you kindly on to the correct path. I haven’t mentioned this in the past because I thought it was God’s secret to reveal. It was God’s glory. Alas. It still is. And I have a feeling that this will still come as a surprise to all of you. I simply ask you to remember me when it is done.
So, here is an excerpt from a poem of one of my alters. Pete is a part of me. A very special part. These are his/my words. The poem is called “It’s Like Home”:
“It brought me joy when she gave birth to a child. I watched, delighting as the family grew more and more united. Like a little heaven. The perfection was glorious. The angelic host resounded in cries of triumph. ‘It’s like home,’ I heard whispered. ‘Not yet,’ I cried. . . Taking the man aside, I whispered in his ear, Walking together, Side by side, Under some trees in the garden. I said, ‘Of everything available to you, son, you must resist only from this one thing. You ask, my child and it manifests reality immediately. All I ask, is that you do not express your love for your child in the way that you know your partner. It is a different kind of love that they need. They need to be protected, provided for, blessed. I have seen the confusion that will arise if this happens. The child will become overwhelmed, to navigate this confusion, completely alone. The effects of this cannot be seen now. But the effects will perpetuate until the end of things. A new child has all the hope in the universe. We must not contaminate that hope. He may not seem hurt. Not every hurt is visible by the eyes.’”
This poem is a fictional retelling from Jehovah’s perspective of the Creation. There is truth contained in this poem. The subject matter may not be the matter of original sin exactly. Maybe it is. I leave that for Jehovah to decide and to reveal. But, like original sin, this is a problem that has infested humanity from the very beginning of things and seems to be coming to a climax. Through my personal experience and open communication with Jehovah, this is what I have discerned. There is a problem in this world. I am not attempting to solve it. Only Jehovah can solve it. I simply try to shed some light upon it. This is the purpose of my life. This is the way that I am greater than the others. It’s in what I suffered. God hasn’t spoken to the PhD’s. They just want to steal my work. I can hear your reaction. You’re saying, yeah? As though it’s to be expected. Do you pay attention to what you say? This is not the way the world was created to be. This problem involves, in a way, the PhD’s. Everyone in power. Really, every single person on earth. Because it’s about power. It’s in our nature to exert our power. To dominate and to overwhelm. Sadly, this domination, most of the time, is against those who are weaker. Against those who are vulnerable. It exists in workplaces. It exists in schools. It exists in the family unit. Perhaps even, most of the time, we are not entirely conscious of it even. Had you have asked me a decade and a half ago had my abusers abused me, I would have defended them with my life. Repression is not exclusive to me. So, it’s a terrible problem. Why? Because it does not originate from love. This is where abortion comes from. It’s where euthanasia comes from. It is not a problem solver. It is spiritual in nature. It is demonic. For where life is, there God is. Jehovah values life. As He values, protection of that life, justice, privacy, private property, self-protection (self-defence). Common sense will dictate that all of these have their place in love of self. Do I really have to be the one to tell you that Jehovah sees the things that happen behind closed doors? When you molest and rape someone who is unconscious, do you believe that this goes unseen because it is not voiced against? If you do, I am pleased to tell you might end up in a hot place. See, this is the problem: We, as a people, are apt to dominate others. It is not in our nature. Don’t be foolish. We are not animals. This is a spiritual problem. This desire to dominate often takes a sexual nature. Ps 128:3 “The wicked have wrought upon my back: they have lengthened their iniquity.” All through the Bible, are sexual undertones that cry out for justice. If you do not see it in the Bible, I would understand. But if you cannot see it in the world, you would be blinded. I have always wondered the reason Jehovah has given me such insight into life, such wisdom. On top of that, I have wondered why He has given me access to memories and realities that you all have blocked your hearts to. Why has Jehovah allowed me to remember the sexual realities that occur within our world. Why He chose to allow me to remember, for instance, the abuse I experienced in the hospitals, in schools, how students would visit the teacher for strange amounts of time, how at my cub scout camps, there were practically orgies occurring. While it was at my expense. How on school trips, children would go from room to room in the hotel. Here: sexuality is not always conscious. It is an instinct. And perhaps the only instinct, which makes us like animals. Here: sometimes, after we exact our domination upon others, we feel ashamed. So we repress the memories. This is not knowledge you’ll learn in a textbook. It’s wisdom from Jehovah. Because of the life I have lived. Here: we do not have to be animals. Jehovah Himself instructs me to write this article. You need to know what’s happening. You need to know and understand the truth. Jehovah Himself shall send healing. I don’t understand why you resist me. If it’s nonsense, let it be. It will prove itself nonsense. Won’t it? I think you are realizing I have a lot of truth within me.
This is precisely what makes children special to Jehovah. And before you say that is not biblical, I simply retort, read your bible again. It is their vulnerability. It is their innocence. It is their fragility. It is the infinite universe of potential within their little, beautiful hearts. It’s the reason satan seeks them. This desires to form them to his image. Are you really so blind? That you cannot see how all of this is 100% reversible and avoidable? Yes, satan is the god of this world. But, he has no power. His work is fraudulent. It simply takes a good creation and seeks to destroy it. Like a forest fire, it consumes all in its path. But, after, the possibility exists to rebuild. To rebuild. To rebuild. Jehovah will rebuild His world. Children are exceptionally valuable to Him. More so than the scholar. Than the doctor. Than the priest… than the pope. I tell you truth. Your response shall say a lot about your own heart conditions. This vulnerability is precisely where God is. Mark my words, these ones, these children, aborted ones, murdered ones, abused ones, switched ones, these are the ones who will receive the greater reward. These are the ones who shall receive the First state of Heaven. Put your religion aside. Listen to my sense. By my faith! The reason children are so valuable to Jehovah is because of the spiritual realm. Again, read your bible if you don’t believe me. Where does he get this wisdom? The life I have lived. Jehovah Himself tells me what I know. But he has hurt ones like this. He doesn’t deserve this wisdom. So have you. Neither do you. I’m telling you, you don’t realize what children forfeit for the Kingdom of God. They abandon lives here. But you do not see the blessing they shall receive in Kingdom. You believe it not to be true because you are worldly Christians. A worldly Christian does not exist. It is an oxymoron. A Christian too focussed on material things is no less than a communist. The child is the closest in spirit to Jehovah and His angels. Here’s another piece of remarkable heresy, which shall inevitably prove itself true in coming days: Animals also are much closer in spirit to Jehovah than we believe. In addition, those deemed mentally challenged, what sensitive people may affectionately refer to as vegetables, for instance are bound up in the spirit of God. These are the poor in spirit you seek to help. There is simply no voice for these people sometimes. After all, a child is incapable of voicing up for its rights. An animal is incapable of voicing up for its rights. A vegetable is incapable of voicing up for its rights. There, then is no business in helping these ones. Here: Materially poor are not instantly holy because of their poverty. As a matter of fact, especially these days, a lot of poor are not holy at all. It is business though to help them because they voice their complaints. It is business to help transgenders because they voice their complaints. Let’s face truth: If you are a true victim of real trauma, sometimes voicing your complaints and making you voice known can be the most difficult thing in the world. The world has got its priorities of people needing help all out of whack. Apply this knowledge to the immigration crisis. While veterans and people sincerely dependant upon disability allowance are being kicked out on the streets, the materially poor of other countries are being helped in ridiculous ways. Guys, am I not speaking sense? By my faith! Children possess a light. This light, the evil one seeks to snuff. Did you really think abortion was a healthcare matter?
Remember, there are no bad emotions. Only different emotions. Every emotion has a purpose and an outlet. Emotions are the most beautiful part of a human being. Think about it: We all have bodies. We all have minds. What is it about a child that makes him special to the LORD? It’s his vulnerability. His willingness to feel. When I think of the Father Jehovah, I view Him as an intensely feeling God. Jehovah God is beautiful. We understand the concept intellectually. We cannot grasp it emotionally. Or spiritually. Because our connection to the spirit has been severed. Honestly friends, you believe that elderly people are closer to God. In truth, it is the very opposite. While it’s not black and white, those without speech are the truly spiritually enlightened ones. Some elderly are, in fact, quite holy. But for the general part, it is the opposite. Age amasses sin. Age amasses pain. Speech is a noise. True spirit is silent. It is possible for adults to attain this spirit. It’s what’s being called born again. Not all baptized experience it. It comes through an act of God. Anyways, it’s what makes me special. The light within me. It’s because I am in touch with this spirit that I can speak to saints, to Jehovah Himself, to people who live a distance away who are also in touch with the spirit. You can experience it also. Your hearts are only hardened. This is a matter of heart. For when you see the entire world converging around one man to seek to destroy him because he speaks to God, what does this do to your heart? The same could be said for any child who is being slaughtered. Any dependent who needs help who is not getting that help. Any elderly who is being encouraged to end their life. The state disagrees. We must not obey the state into committing murder. This is the way of satan. It’s the way that has pervaded our world. We try desperately to extinguish the lights of others. We can’t help it. It’s the way of our fathers. The way of our mothers. It’s what’s happening to me at the moment. They have made no secret that they desire to rob me of my intellectual property, my ministry, my life. What you do not realize is that this is not God. This is satan. Maybe you do realize. If you do, we need to ask ourselves why our priests and leaders are contributing to satanic narcissism and the destruction of a soul who speaks to Jehovah.
We are just coming to understand the human consciousness. For millennia, we have slaughtered animals, we are still slaughtering animals. By my faith, we are slaughtering children. We do this because we believe them to be non-sentient. We believe that speech equals intelligence. How dreadfully foolish. I am telling you, just because you cannot speak does not mean you cannot think, cannot feel, do not have a soul. See, I have been in an especially unique situation. Allow me to say that this should have come out decades ago. The coma I experienced, doctors were not sure if I would ever regain consciousness. I tell you, that these were some of the most active days of my life. Spiritually. We cannot understand. I heard much of the things being said around me in this world also. Here: I was more alive then than I am now. Don’t gaslight me. Don’t try to pretend as though you know better than me as to my experiences. Yes, I had a brain injury. Then, I shouldn’t be able to play chess better than the most of you. Our understanding of consciousness is just beginning. What you need to know is that speech is not the determining factor in life. In intelligence. Even animals are more connected to the spirit than our most learned priests. Some. God will prove it. It is our sin, which separates us from the spirit. It is our repressed feelings. There is a way out.
There is a problem happening in the world these days. It is deeply troubling to Jehovah. Call it original sin or not. It is happening. There is a small part of you that knows it is happening. We need to understand. God is not angry. There will be healing. Very soon. But, we need to understand the effect this is having on our children. It is the reason for mental, physical and emotional disability in children. This is the voice of God declaring to the Church and to the world to stop having sex with your children. It’s taboo to you because you keep it secret. Even if it seems like the children enjoy it, they are torn. There are literally other identities, which have been fostered to cope with the trauma. They want to please you while wanting to compromise themselves for your sake. God sees what’s happening. Your little loophole for sexual immorality. It damages them for life. Please stop. You may not be able to remember. You also may be split. But this must be said. You need to be made aware of this. God is disgusted with this practice. But, a complete healing is coming. A complete restoration is coming. There is forgiveness. Let us call upon the name of the LORD.
Here: we do not have to be animals. Jehovah Himself instructs me to write this article. You need to know what’s happening. You need to know and understand the truth. Jehovah Himself shall send healing. You need to know that there is healing. Part of that healing is in healing our sexualities. Sexuality is not evil. You apply so many laws to it that you are uptight. You are repressed. It’s understandable since you are also wounded. When healing comes, you will know the remedy. Let us become conscious in our sexuality again. Let us seek not to dominate. Let us humble ourselves and serve the weaker. It is God’s way. It is the only way. The only other way is choosing to help satan snuff the true lights of the world. This is not like a PhD. For PhD is built upon assertion. It is built upon thesis and an arguable opinion. What I am saying is truth. Is it my truth? Yes. We speak what we know. What we have experienced. Jehovah speaks to me.