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Thursday, January 18, 2024

A voice?

The cause of sorrow is unprocessed grief. For most of my life, I have had a severe issue with powerlessness. My voice was robbed from me at a very young age. Seeking to understand and comprehend it seemed only to increase my confusion in the matter. Most of you are aware of what I have endured by now. For those who are new to my blog, I have been through a mess of trauma in my life. I am the survivor of Satanic Abuse in infancy, all kinds of abuse in childhood up to early adulthood. As an adolescent, I was assaulted, causing very severe brain injury. I have Dissociative Identity Disorder, MS and cPTSD. The effects of this upon me are still clouded in secrecy and darkness. Allow me to say that it is an incredible experience of powerlessness to be abused. In reaction to trauma, the human being often splits and represses the experiences altogether instead of feeling them through. We need remember that just because we don't feel these feelings, it doesn't make them go away. On the contrary, for years, even decades following these original traumas, these stuck feelings can be the cause of a whole host of difficulties. Physical problems such as arthritis, asthma and even cancer have been known to have their roots in stuck feelings. I am a strong advocate that pretty much all mental illness is a result of repressed emotion and early childhood trauma. Anyways, there are many ways the effects of these repressed emotions can manifest in adulthood. First of all, while the emotions remain repressed, a victim can be incredibly helpless. Because they are in a state of perpetual shock and trauma, they cannot speak about what happened to them or their feelings associated with these experiences. For me, personally, before I recollected the abuse I endured, I was a mess. I could barely vocalize my thoughts verbally. I was incredibly intelligent. I was going to university. But, my spirit was interrupted by my body. It wasn't until I started seeking counselling and actively processing my emotions that I began to reconnect with my true identity. I still have a lot of repressed emotion within me. In a way, I am still experiencing this effect. Another way repressed emotions can affect a victim is that they become powerless. Personally, the effect of this is obvious. I stayed in the abusive environments for way too long. Still, find myself enduring revictimization because I cannot fight for myself. It's an incredibly grave injustice that being the victim of injustice as a child makes you almost the target for bullies in later life. I am finally beginning to regain a sense of voice and control over what happens to me in my life. But, this effect is evident in so many ways. The bearer of these repressed emotions is often in dreadful pain, unable to express it because the experience matter, which caused the feelings are still repressed. I feel like a bird whose wings have been clipped in childhood. I do not know what I want. I cannot fight for what I want. As a result of these experiences of helplessness and powerlessness, a child often internalises these negative feelings and being full of self-doubt and self-hate. This makes me realise that in spite of the incredible leaps I have already made in my healing and recovery, I still have a great deal of repressed emotions within me. When I have the opportunity to heal of them and grieve of them, I will experience almost complete physical resurrection. #Saintinaday! Honestly believe it is the same for everybody. When people are given the grace to process their internal grief and shame - shame and grief hidden by years and tears - you will all experience a resurrection. Until then, let us remember the importance of boundaries. Let us remember the importance of healing the inner child. God's got us. The reason I write this post is because this powerlessness for me, coupled with a lot of specific trauma and specific defence mechanisms, is often the cause of a lot of regret for me. I've let the greatest experiences pass from me because I don't feel worthy. Here, I am realising the reason I couldn't trust in God's promises and surrender sooner is deeper than what I once imagined. I often let the most beautiful people get away from me without a fight. In the choices I make and in the choices I didn't make. As honourable as the decisions may have been, I often wonder, could I have done more? It's making me realise that some things are worth fighting for. Some people are worth fighting for. Some friendships are worth fighting for. Life is worth fighting for. Keep up the fight. Good times are coming. Right around the corner. I feel paralysed by life. Like I am looking at it through shattered spectacles. I can take a step in the right direction. One step at a time.

Safe flight, broski.

Daniel Fast Results!

Jan 17:

Well, I did it! ten full days on this fast! Whoever is following me, rejoice with me! I am not stopping here though. I have got to admit, I am feeling fantastic on this diet. Confession: I in fact, ate quite a few nuts, five eggs and even a bowl of light homemade popcorn from popping corn! It doesn't have to mean your diet is boring! I have heard said that you need to be rich to eat well. Point of truth, I saved an awful awful lot of money doing this for these ten days! My main meals were simply lentils boiled and sauerkraut, pieces of fruit and lots and lots of radishes! I owe it to myself, with my disturbed bowels to recommit to this diet! I love my body and desire to show it that I love it. It's just me. And this diet is good for me! Join me as I begin this fast again, recommitting as of January 17th, for ninety days! I will go to the gym again today. I have decided to postpone posting before and after pics until after the ninety days. I notice a sharp difference. Thanks again for following me here! 

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Daniel Fast!

I am thinking about it. My message has been very personal. It's time I return to the roots of my ministry. Sure, there will be people who will misunderstand me. There will be people who will not like me. But, there was a time, when my ministry consisted of this. Gratitude and faith. I'll tell you, I am so thankful for my voice. I am so thankful that I have been given this life. I don't know who reads this blog. I am sure that some people do. This is my intention. I am going to start a Daniel Fast. For those unfamiliar, the origins of the Daniel Fast come from the Biblical Book of Daniel. King Nebuchadnezzar entices the Israelites to eat food sacrificed to their gods. It is against their faith to do so. And the Hebrews tell the King to feed them vegetables only and water for ten days. Afterwards, to check the complexion of their countenance compared with the countenance of those who have eaten the food sacrificed to idols. I invite you to join me! As much as you are able! Please, before you begin this with me, make sure to consult with a doctor. My goal is to last for ten days. Like the Hebrew men from the Book of Daniel. In the past, I have done this particular fast for ninety days. During this time, I lost 100 lbs, something which I have been able to maintain. I felt so much better than I had prior. I was sleeping like a king and even walking better, talking clearer. Actually, a lot of the symptoms of my MS were eased completely after a while. To keep it simple this time, I am going to start for ten days. So, these are the rules: Only vegetables, only fruit, only water. No carbs, no sugar. I am allowing myself protein as I will be going to the gym every day of this fast. As always, I am allowing myself caffeine intake. I cannot go for too long without my green tea and coffee! I invite you to pray with me the Holy Rosary every day of this fast. I am going to be going to the gym every day of this fast. I will post a before and after picture at the end of this fast. God bless! 

Monday, January 1, 2024

My message:

What I am saying. Friends, listen to me. This is my message. If it is heretical, I challenge anybody to challenge me. Up to today, nobody has challenged it. People, while they challenge my teaching with the people, have never confronted me to my face. If they cared about my soul, you would think they might want to. Resultant from trauma, particularly early childhood trauma, particularly sexual and ritual trauma (more common than we desire to believe) the human being can hold up emotions that are unfelt, unexperienced. If a trauma is too severe for a child to cope with, they will close off to this experience, fragment it and partition it away. They will forget about it. All of the emotions and senses of that experience will be forgotten as well. Unfelt. Unexperienced. It happens that as we age, these stuck hurts, become accumulated. Look around guys. Have you really not noticed that the world is terribly struggling? When these repressed emotions and memories are forgotten, it doesn't mean that the effect of them will disappear. On the contrary, they will continue to have an effect on our behaviour, what we say, what we do, our values, every single thing about us. Friends, take a look around. Jesus can heal. The Spirit heals. But even with the Spirit, if we do not heal our trauma, it still guides us. Even the pope. This is the reason we need to go into our past wounds and process our pain. Again, even with the Spirit, parents abuse and perpetuate their pain upon their children. Because of their own wounds, which have never been addressed. We need to heal the social, spiritual inner child. It was not long ago, I realised that I was DID. I have had other alters acting things out on my behalf. When my other alters emerge, I experience amnesia in my host self. I didn't remember that I had a wife for two years after my wife left me. I remember vaguely a conversation with the coordinator of the religious community I applied to. Honestly, I don't remember a thing about this conversation. Another alter fronted then. I know it was something substantial about my future. But I cannot remember a thing. What is happening? Friends, I don't know. If I don't know, surely I am inculpable. What makes me unique, in all of this, is my cup of trauma, aside from my identity and the fact I suffered for God. I am carrying an impossible cup. I need help.