All this to say that as far into JW as I get, I don't believe my views on Jesus will ever be distinct from those of the Church. As much as in many respects, I agree with them, I have my very personal understanding of Christ, which are in line with the Church. I do believe that Jehovah, Jesus and Holy Ghost are distinct. But, spiritually. This is where I have personal experience. Temporally, they are united. This may seem confusing. Wait. God will reveal it to you. I will say, when I say Jehovah bless you to people on the street, I get some resistance. I ask you, what dishonor does it do Jesus if I bless people in the name of Jehovah, the proven name of God. On the contrary, I ask you, what dishonor does it do Jehovah if I bless people in the name of Jesus? If they are God, their foundation is secure. Yes, the Bible does not mention trinity. Reading the Bible for totality of our understanding of the faith is like reading a grade 9 science textbook and saying we have a PhD in natural sciences. It is essential understanding. It is the anchor of knowledge. But it is not all there is. There is a vast history and wealth of tradition available to you to enrich your faith. Maybe just my opinion, but could anyone listen to Gregorian chant and not be astounded by its beauty? This beauty has been created in love of truth. What makes it special is that it has its roots closest to Jesus. Let’s make use of the wealth of wisdom and tradition available to us. Whoever is for us cannot be against us. Do not hinder them. There is a claim of truth within the Witnesses. Quite a bit of it is still opinion and interpretation of ambiguous passages. The interpretation is provided by the governing body. I’ll admit that they have a close assessment a truth as most come. In terms of extra-Biblical ideas, they are stubborn. Something which fascinates me is how they read the Bible literally. This can be a hindrance to wisdom and a benefit. In spite, what makes belief so strong is that it’s based in Bible Truth. They’ve got a lot to learn but their sincerity and love of God and grounding in the Bible makes them especially special to Jehovah. Bible only is good. But ignores fact that there had been enormous amounts of oral tradition and tradition. Really, I am learning, Bible is sufficient. All you need for faith. Cannot go wrong. Neither does the Bible mention the canon of the Bible as it has been compiled.
The reason I am attracted to JW is this same reason. Their conviction to Biblical tradition. Good. I am not asking you to believe me about my faith yet. But I cannot do this if no one believes my story of what I endured. My church is in such a mess. They follow communism. they follow modernism. They say homosexuality is not immoral. They worship idols. It is still the true church. JW are incredibly special. It is for these that I have come. These are my sheep. Dear friends, whether you believe it or not, you are considered Traditional. It is understandable that you test me. I will be submissive for the entirety of your test. I just pray that you remember me after you have had your fill. Don't be so mesmerized by my politics that you forget compassion. If Jehovah desires it to be true, He will make it known. All this to say that I am full blooded, traditional Catholic. I don’t know I shall ever convert. My Traditional faith is true to me. Is it true to God? I shall allow God the space to make that declaration Himself. I know Jehovah calls me to keep my faith. I hope that these beautiful and chosen people will see what I am up against and help me. Jehovah loves you so.
Part of me feels as though a sort of rivalry has been developed between my abusers and I. Part of me feels as though they’re vindicating their abuse of me by darning Christian clothing now. Part of me feels as though the Witnesses may be seeking to vindicate them as, mayhaps, they have become members. Part of me feels as though they (not only the spiritual authority in the Witnesses – but the spiritual authority world over) just want to humiliate me and see me shamed. It is only envy that has inspired this. There is no sense in it. They try to use justifiable anger and inculpable sin against me. Part of me feels that my abusers have hijacked my authority and have done it through their own faith. You are being deceived… they've hijacked this power and authority. But they have none. Jehovah didn't speak with them. He certainly didn't commission them.
Bible as primary source of life. We have seen it world-over. If you want your church to stray to the tides and currents of the world, lay aside Bible truth. By my faith, even when we abide by the Bible and simply apply supplementary teaching, we can go astray. So, what went wrong? For the vast majority of the years of Christendom, all seemed to be in control. Well, this is a poor choice of words. Catholicism has always had some discrepancies. Owing mostly to the dependence on man’s fallibility, there have been millenia of shame in the faith. I think to the example of my beloved sister and soul twin, Jehanne D’Arc. I think of many examples of popes who have fallen to terrible sin. Yet, for the most part, the faith was stable. It was consistent in its teaching and Word. It was consistent in its tradition. There were never the inversion of sin being called good and good being called sin as there is today. So, what went wrong? I think we all know. None of us want to say what the problem is. Because to do so, would be to illegitimatize decades of teaching and work and learning. I have heard about priests who do not read the Bible in seminary. I love the priesthood. Very much. The Witnesses, while they do not have the totality of truth, which they admit to quite freely, have stumbled upon a shortcut to faith. It’s really remarkable and inspiring. And I know for certain that Jehovah holds these ones especially special.
So, here I shall list the things I agree with. These things
are far more important than the criticisms. I hope you will see how much we
have in common and that this is not an attack. Just a nudge to say we all have
things to learn. Studying with the Witnesses, I have come to appreciate Jehovah
and His beautiful and adorable personality. Jehovah really is a great God. This
is evident for me, in the fact that He is an emotive God. Just like a human. A
perfect human. Jehovah feels. Very intensely. I had the opportunity to see this
first hand. Though, it was encouraged by this study section. In addition, I
have always received a bit of incredulity when I mention how I met personally,
Jehovah Himself, among Catholics. While this incredulity exists among Witnesses
too, it became more practicable and made more sense after meeting the Witnesses.
In addition, the level of intimacy I have achieved after learning with the Witnesses
with God has been on a completely different level. This is the reason I say
they have discovered a short cut to Him. In addition, their method of prayer is
incredibly intimate and very personal. Truly, in my opinion, there is nothing
wrong with praying rosary. But, it has to be prayed in love. Also, the notion
of identifying true Christians. I think they have a point about the fact that
true Christians evangelize and preach the kingdom of God. Evangelization is
essential in the faith. Even years ago, I was impressed with the zeal of the
Witnesses. There is nothing quite like it elsewhere. Also, their perspective of
blood is spot on. In terms of the name of God, Jehovah, in my opinion is
correct. Scholars have provided a better description of why YHWH is scholarly
butchering than I could. Earliest Jewish sources claim pronunciation of hashem
was Yahovah. Studying with the Witnesses has opened my eyes to the reality of
what the Kingdom of God will be like. Heaven is not going to be an
otherworldly, misty, spiritual realm. Maybe this is not Catholic theology that
it would be. It was the impression I got hearing about heaven. Believing it
will be a real place with human-like gratifications strengthens my faith to no
end. I believe in the rosary to no end. I think it is an amazing grace and
sign. However, I honestly feel that the method of prayer the protestants have
developed, is like a shortcut to relationship with Jehovah. Along with it, the
method of reading the Bible so intimately does strengthen the relationship with
God, very, very deeply. The year of 1914, which they absolutely predicted. Very
obvious, isn’t it, things kind of fell apart then? Makes sense satan fell
around this time. Matches up with my experiences in heaven. The Watchtower and wealth of information in the publications is incredibly rich and valuable. I was actually quite astounded when I came across some articles. A lot of it is the fruit of enormous amounts of research. I was quite astounded and still am astounded every time I discover another one of my fantastic ideas of theology and/psychology corroborated through their publications.
God chooses the lowly. God will bless them greatly. Who says you have to be popular to preach the word of God? Actually, the Bible states about the opposite, doesn’t it?
Look, there has to be hell. Aside from the theology, it is quite a bit of an incentive to persevere and develop a relationship with God, isn’t it? Really, if there is no hell, anything goes. I understand its appeal. The concept of hell seems cruel to the seculars. But, isn’t it more cruel to take away this drive for heaven? By doing this, you may stumble people into sin who, through a bit of discipline, would have amended their lives. It’s in fact quite true. God would never create a place like that to send humans. It was never meant for humans. It was created for fallen angels. Humans, if they end up there, it will not be a choice of Jehovah’s. The choice will be the human’s.
I really feel that their hope for a one world government is going to set them up for a major deception. Our hope is not in this world. There will be a world government but it will be run by antichrist. This hope in a world government sets them up for incredible deception. This state of things will never heal. Do not put your trust in anyone but Jesus. This state’s world governance will only get worse. With respite. I believe the Monarch and True Pontiff shall come. But you need to be warned. Antichrist is a person. I know who he is. He lives now. He will impose the mark. This is what covid vaccinations were preparing us for. Loss of right to ourselves and our liberties. He will force you to take his mark. The UN does not have world peace in heart. Have you seen some of their declarations? He is coming. Either way. It is not in love to commit spiritual (or physical) suicide. Communism is not political. It is an evil. It is a plague. If I feel Jehovah calls me to speak against it, Whom shall I obey? Besides, no one is asking to be hurt just by expressing an idea contrary to your own. Get a grip! Have no fear. God is sending help needed to prepare our hearts for antichrist’s advent. He sends Elijah to prepare the hearts. It’s a relatively new idea in the west that we are prohibited from voicing our opinions about things. Remember, sometimes the only thing, which is keeping authority in line with God’s will is its subjects. The American Revolution. A lot of you have never seen anything better. Nothing to blame. I, being born in ’84, have seen a better time. I remember better days. What made it better? Freedom. Entirely freedom. People were free to grow gardens in their backyards, fish without licenses, sell without permits. Grocery stores sold local. Taxes were invested in our own culture and nation. Nations took care of their own citizens first. It’s hard to believe anything else. I have literally seen it. I am not a politician. I simply believe that this world can improve. I simply believe there is an important reason why it must improve before the end. I wonder if the neutrality and cooperation leaves them susceptible to manipulation and capitulation. This places them in the position where they can be used by the state. The State, let us not forget, has always been the greatest persecutor of religion and faith. Religions are more our friend than government. Christians have both the freedom to, and the responsibility to inform their governments. Without Christian intervention, the direction of the world spirals. What is restoration, after all? It is the reminder of a spiritual authority to the ruling class. It can take the shape of a cleansing. A purification. A unification. A glorification. A protection. It is never a stagnation. Stagnation is where corruption flourishes. If I have no authority, why do you try to hijack it? Feels like you are trying to get me to say stuff. Again, nothing in my mission is in a thing I say or do. We will see. What you attempt to hijack is an ersatz authority. My authority has not yet come. This will be ordained by Jehovah Himself. No one will be able to deny.
Also, a little skeptical about their belief and trust in science. Science has lost its grasp of the search for truth. Science does not handle truth. It’s evident with the covering up of archaeological discoveries that support Biblical claims. Medicine, in recent years, has not been entirely for the benefit of the human being. Pharma has created an industry out of people’s sickness.
I can’t not believe humans have souls. I ascended into heaven during that coma. I descended to earth at my birth. God willing and by His grace, I will ascend again at my death. Even the Witnesses have a perspective and interpretation of the Bible. I’ve noticed often, they single verses out and base the literal interpretation of matters on this verse. It is the strongest patterns of interpretations I have seen. But an interpretation, no less.
Apologies if this seems like criticism of Witnesses. On the contrary, they are entirely wonderful people. I have not experienced such love as when entering a KH since I was at MH. I think what strengthens their faith and what makes their faith so strong is the fact that they are so convicted. If you know something is truth and are unwilling to waver, that’s a very strong faith. It makes communication and conversation difficult sometimes but it is incredibly endearing. This essay is in part, my attempts to grapple with the truth that they provide and stand for. I have never seen such strong faith. Again, my essay is not a criticism. Instead, I hope it will serve to guide into correct directions.
My message is not in what I say. Who I am is more important than what I say. It is the reason I push over when people say things even contrary to what I believe. It’s the reason I submit to your subtle humiliations and diatribes. Everything you need to know will be made clear after this is over. Everything. Every vindication. Every justification. It’s part of the reason I keep saying you will have a surprise. You certainly will. Truth makes sense of everything. Not what I say. Not what I do. You could make me confess everything you desire. Truth liberates and vindicates me entirely.
I have learned a lot in studying with the Witnesses. Whether or not I convert, I am not sure. I see enormous value there. Either way, I am so thankful for the spiritual help I am receiving from them now. Jehovah knows, I need the help. I am not on the fence. Far as I am concerned, I am in both. The more help I can get right now, the better. I know it is exactly where Jehovah desires me to be at the moment. How can I know? He tells me. Yup. That He doesn’t speak to you, is it strong enough proof He speaks to no one else? Everything I have learned from them, and I am convinced the elder system and governing body, has the good will of their sheep in heart. More so than in most other religions. I don’t think the envy, which affects them too, is their fault or choice. Everything I have learned has been a great benefit to both my faith and my understanding. I have come to love them very much. I have yet to see where Jehovah will lead me. I rest in His will.