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Sunday, December 23, 2018

A Short Story from Fables of Good Will:

There was a woman, in her thirties who received disability pension. She struggled with depression and PTSD. Her husband had been in the military and died in combat. Every month, she would ensure that she had the rent paid and her groceries paid for. She attended church every day but always refused help from them, saying ‘others need it more than me’. With the rest of her income, she would offer half of it to the church. The rest, 100$ or so, she would take to the bank and asked for it to be changed into loonies. ‘One hundred loonies?’ the bank teller would ask a little suspiciously. She would nod solemnly and then walk to the dollar store close to her home. She would walk around the dollar store for nearly an hour, pretending to inspect goods for purchase while she secretly, lay the dollars, one by one in places that wouldn’t be entirely visible but that would be hard to miss if close enough to them. When she had finished laying the final coin down behind a roll of toilet paper, she smiled and went to leave the store. The employees would, each month, eye her with a mildly more serious suspicion, as she would simply sit near the exit of the store and watch people as they, one by one came across her gifts. She would eye them with delight and joy and even greater joy as these same customers passed her as they left. Not knowing who was responsible, but only knowing they were slightly richer. With joy, at the end of the night, she would walk home, maker her supper and watch Mass on television. This was surely the part of her month that she looked forward to the most.

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