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Saturday, March 30, 2024

The tale of Norman the Frog

 So... Normans story is not quite as unique. When Norman was young, in fact only a wee tadpole, (haha) he was orphaned. Don't worry! It's quite common in the frog world for tadpoles (haha) to be left on their own to fend for themselves. Still, Norman met another tadpole while they were in the pond. The pond was in southern Alabama. The other tadpoles name was Dorothy. Dorothy and Norman became inseparable. They chased tiny water bugs together and played hide and seek amongst the bullrushes and Lilly pads! Until one day, Norman was out looking for a bouquet of water flowers to give to Dorothy when a man with a long white coat came along and scooped him up from the pond. He was in a container of some sort. Worried, he would never see Dorothy again, he smacked against the wall of the container. Farther, farther away from the pond they got. Until it was out of sight. Norman was brought to a lab, where he was kept in a aquarium. Days would pass. He became surprised when his little tail began to metamorphosis into adorable little legs. Next, his upper body grew and took shape. He could no longer recognize himself! One night, after the scientists had gone home, turned off the lights, Norman began to jump. Instinctively, he knew how to jump. And boy! Could Norman jump high! He burst right through the lid in the aquarium and landed on the floor of the lab. Turning about, here and there, Norman spotted an open window in the corner of the room. He sprang over towards it. He jumped. And jumped. Regardless of how hard he tried, he couldn't reach the window opening! Well, did you know that frogs just happen to be quite intelligent too. They are not only high jumpers! Some even go on to higher learning! Norman found some refuse gathered across the floor and piled it all together, climbed up to the top and gave it another shot. He wound up his legs tightly and sprang up as mightily as he possibly could. There! He could see the outside! And he was perched on the window sill! It was dark outside but he felt he'd better make a run for it. He paused a moment, deciding which way to go. Shutting his eyes tightly, he felt a pull in his heart. It was guiding him to the east! He must have sprang for hours. The light was coming up. Luckily, no cars were oot and aboot. To his surprise, in the misty mornings light, Norman began to recognize his surroundings. There he was! He recognized that tree! And he recognized this arrangement of flowers! And behold, as Normans field of view expanded, there before him, was his very home. His very pond! Norman, exhausted, sprang speedily towards it. He was gleefully about to leap in when something caught his eye. Someone. She was a remarkably beautiful, shapely and kind looking amphibian. The eyes, he recognized her eyes. Could it be? Norman thought to himself. "Dorothy?" He asked the female frog. "That's me," she replied. "And who are you?" He waited a moment in silence to give her a chance to recognize him. After a moment, her adorable eyes lighted up and she gazed at him with wonder. "Norman. Norman, is it you?!" The two sprung into each other's arms and kissed passionately. The two were married and loved happily ever after. Norman became a bit of a celebrity about the pond that day. A legend so to speak. Some say that Norman knew the direction of his home because of magnetic influence in his brain. Norman knew the truth. Norman knew very well that it was his love for Dorothy that drew him back to the pond. She was his binary star. His celestial twin. Caught up in an eternal dance of galactic gravity. The two were wed and unlike the custom of amphibians, stuck around and raised their tadpoles. They grew old together, there at the pond, surrounded by their fifteen hundred children. Some left the pond. But most stayed. Because of the love they received from their loving parents. Norman the frog and Dorothy the frog.

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