Allow me to tell you a story. You hear of a child who was sold to satan as an infant. Rituals were cast over him. Baptized in urine, feces, all that. There is a contract of sorrow placed over his life by Satanists. This child, having grown, escapes this trap, devotes his life to Christ. Even seeks diligently to offer his life in service to a religious vocation. In any case, he is living a perfectly righteous and holy life now. Would you think it would be a charitable thing to provoke him, stirring up those old wounds, in the attempt to get him angry? Simply for the sake of getting him angry? Would that be a Christian response? I wonder how a true Christian would react upon hearing the story of this child. If it were for the good of his soul or for the good of the world, there would be no need to humiliate him by broadcasting his confession sin matter and broadcasting the privacy of his bedroom.
It’s common-sense cause and effect and actually quite
Biblical that a child will follow that path that has been instructed it. You
raise a child, where lies are the norm, how will that affect grown up child? A
child is essentially a blank slate. Spiritually, they are incredibly
intelligent, far more so than even the wisest of intellectuals. But, in terms
of worldly knowledge, they are not only innocent and pure, they are incredibly
impressionable. You could literally raise a child to think that peeing on the
grass is normal and acceptable. If it’s what they see, it’s what they will grow
into a knowledge of. If that knowledge is reinforced by others within the
child’s social circle, it will become a standard of behavior. How important,
then, is it to raise our children with an accurate knowledge of God? How
important will it be to form our children’s consciences for good as opposed to
for evil. This is the fundamental point in a person’s existence, the point
where they not only develop and learn skills that will become a template for
which they will navigate the intricacies and channels of life but also the
point in which the development and malleability of those skills is at its
easiest to implement for them. A human becomes who they will become then in the
first years of life. It will be the point where they will choose the futures
that will unfold before them.
Trauma accumulates. Shame and other bad feelings accumulate.
Injustice and anger also accumulate. That bully from high school for whom you have been holding resentment,
possibly reasonably – well, at home, his parents beat him nightly. This is said
to illustrate there is a lot more going on than what we can see. Is it an
excuse that he perpetuate this anger? Probably not. Said to illustrate the fact
that in a lot of cases, he is a kid too. And he’s probably going through this
as he is acting out. But, it’s much more common than we think. This is not a
dualistic message. The body and the spirit work in harmony… when one is
damaged, the other will be affected. What I am saying is that when one is
damaged, we need to heal it in love of the Spirit. It is catechetical and
Biblical that some sins are more or less culpable based on a number of factors.
The only, only, only thing, which is blinding you is the fact that truth is
obscured still.
For most of my life, increasingly so since becoming chaste
about five years ago, I have struggled with terrible issue. I have suffered
from nocturnal emissions. It’s worse than that. I have recently judged that I
am oppressed by a spirit spouse. Many holy people have these issues. St. Padre
Pio actually suffered from it as well. It’s called demonic retribution. Here: I
have been struggling with shame and low energy since realizing about this every
time that it happens. Recognizing that this is actually satan’s purpose in so
doing, is kind of liberating because I can fight against it now. Every time I
suffered a nocturnal emission, all of the sexual shame and trauma in my heart
gets stirred up again. I have, for most of this time, brought the issue to
confession believing I was committing some mortal sin. Even with nocturnal
emissions, which are triggered by oppressive dreams, I went to confession.
Here: For a while, priests were telling me that it was not a conscious choice
and therefore, was not a mortal sin. Even to the point of encouraging me by
saying that it’s only the body’s natural process of recycling itself. After a
while, priests changed their tune. They began to say that I must have been
doing something to trigger it and then I must have commit some mortal sin to
trigger it. The point of this is that I never give my consent or have any
awareness of what is happening. I have stopped going to confession for this and
have recently begun renouncing this spirit spouse and praying against her. But
this is kind of an illustration of what is really happening here isn’t it?
There was a specific point in my journey when religious authority began to turn
against me. They are threatened by me because the message I inhabit challenges
their rule, their legitimacy, their corruption. I will say no more on the
matter. Nocturnal emissions are a great illustration of how what is sin is not
always grave or mortal. They, in my case, are also a great illustration of how
the hierarchy is using my sin as leverage against my authority. Just so you
know, I am chaste as much as I can. Even though this is going directly against
my human needs and God’s will for my life.
Yes, we are all born with original sin. While this is true,
children are born completely innocent and pure. A child who has been
satanically abused will not only have a warped conscience. He will also have
behavioral issues and he may commit serious sin. That sin, while it is serious,
may not be as serious for that child as it is for people who have had a sturdy
upbringing. I remember reading somewhere that these sorts of survivors often
have a fascination with extremist groups. Hmm. I can say in my situation, the
first thirty years of my life were not lived by me. I understand there may be a
sense of repressed justice. But I feel firm in stating that while I commit
them, these were not my sins. I get it. There are a lot of people who are angry
at me right now. Probably who have harbored this anger for decades. I want to
tell you that you are not angry at me. You are angry at my abusers.
It’s not only envy. I get it. There is a sense of repressed
justice. Trust me, wait until you find out just how common this sin is. When
the truth comes out! If I am a sinner now, it justifies all of the present
injustices I am enduring. I get the envy. Luckily, I have some experience with
dealing with jealous people. With that movie made about me. I still do not know
how to navigate it fully. It boggles my mind. Because if you saw what I endured
for this, you would say, ‘Oh!’
While all sins are equal in the eyes of God, not all traumas
are the same. Trauma accumulates. Shame accumulates. Willful unrepentance is a
hindrance to the lives that God has planned for all of us. Please remember that
what happened to me, happened for nearly twenty years. It was unchallenged
because I was taught very early that challenging would merit shaming, sometimes
violence. I learned very early that dissociation and splitting off from
consciousness was safer than enduring what was happening, for the sake of my
emotional and mental health. Learned this to stay alive. Read this is context
with everything else I have written. I am not diminishing or minimizing the
trauma of anyone. But it is a psychological fact that some traumas can have
more of an effect on people based on certain factors. And most children,
despite being well intentioned, if you traumatize them to the point of
fragmenting their personalities, will not know about Jesus and trusting Jehovah
in their suffering. It’s the reason there is so much illness, weakness and
addiction these days. Wake up.
If you feel
I deserve to make reparation for my sins, I will not disagree with you.
According to the Gospel, every one of us merits crucifixion for our own
personal sins. It is the free gift of God, which sets us free, making us right
with Him. This is grace. If you believed what I am saying, you would know that
I have been punished from as far back as I remember. After that injury alone, I
couldn’t move my eyelids for five months after. I still have difficulty
walking. I cannot develop relationships with women because of the traumas I
have endured. Still, I trust you. I trust the Church. God will corroborate my
exceptional character these days. If you believed my message, you would know
that I am inculpable for the things I did into my early twenties. I am living
in grace. I wonder who this reparation is for? My abusers were still raping me
into my twenties. Just doesn’t seem right that my church and my world, those
who in a different circumstance would have been the ones to help me
reintegrate, feel I still need to be punished despite the fact that I have been
a literal punching bag since before I was born. Yes, it’s nice the movie was
made about me. I was still being raped. Yes, it’s nice I had some money. I was
still being raped. You don’t get it, do you? This will not stop.
On that
note, I just want to point out (it will be the final time that I do) that you
are going to my abusers to get information about me. I am not a fool. I know
that they have even deceived you into treating me the way that they have told
you they have treated me. Call me old-fashioned, call me traditional, I do not
think it is healthy to go to someone’s abusers in order to gather information
on that person. They are not who you believe them to be. Sure, I may deserve
reparation. What did my mother ever do to anyone? They have got you convinced
that neither my life nor my mother’s life mean anything. They have got you
treating us exactly as they were treating us. Do you not recognize a pattern in
that? Sure, I did not treat them well at times. I am inculpable. My abusers
started literally committing crimes against me from the time I was out of the
hospital as an infant. What adults teach a child becomes their voice. I will
have you know that they were still abusing me, even sexually, into my late
twenties. I was angry. It was an anger, a shame and a fear that had been
accumulating inside of me since I was a baby that I was never allowed to
express. Every time I tried to express my emotions, they shamed me. Besides,
even the incidents which happened when I was an adult against them, I did not
instigate. This is not teaching. This is common sense. If anything, you should
be going to the people I just spent two years with to find out about me. After
all, it is essentially the basis of the Gospel summed up that people can
change. I sincerely hope that the reason you are not believing me is not
because you disagree with my politics.
The only
perspective that is important in terms of this crime is the child’s or the
victim’s. There is no fruit in trying to hear both sides of the story. This is
because with this particular sin, unlike most other interpersonal sins, one
party is entirely innocent. And if by chance that child happens to be acting
out, most of the time, they are simply reacting to unprocessed trauma and a
wounded conscience. This is not to impose guilt on anyone. The majority of the
time, if we are to look back far enough into the lives of those who ‘act out’,
it is almost a certainty that there will be found the most profound of
tragedies. This, also, is not to deny accountability. But, people can change.
People can heal. What we truly need be vigilant of is the state of denial. We
should always be aware and attune to our propensity, as human beings to both
hurt others, as well as to be hurt by others. There is often, indeed, another
side of the story, in these cases, grave and serious ones. However, in judging,
individual cases, one perspective is the only one that merits attention.
The age of reason is not something that can be pinpointed.
It is not something that can be generally said, “Oh, a child knows what is
right from wrong by the time they’re thirteen. It is different for everybody.
And when we consider this, we need to also consider the nature of what is
happening around the person who does something bad. I can almost guarantee that
every person in prison these days is in prison based on a judgement for an
action or a couple of actions, however severe, are in prison is because of
tragedy in their own lives, which they perhaps as yet, may not have been able
to process and integrate into their awareness. The age of reason can be
affected, then, by traumas experienced in the past, traumas still enduring,
their understanding of the nature of the crime they are committing. What is the
difference between a sin committed in the day or in the darkness? What is the
difference between a concealed sin and a revealed sin? The abuse that was
happening to me, almost perpetually without stop, went on until I was in my
early twenties. When I did the things I did, I was still enduring the same
thing, every night. Every offence I commit against people were committed 1)
while I was still being abused in much worse ways, and 2) before my baptism. You
say yourself that there are matters which make someone more or less culpable
for a sin. My entire life, into my twenties, was a delirious blur because of
the trauma I was still experiencing.
Everybody has the potential for anger. Anger is a response
to how we have been treated. I was not baptized until 2007. If what I am saying
is true, everything that I endured before and even what happened after, while I
was enduring the treatment, was not entirely mortal sin. If what I am claiming
is true, my conscience was surely affected. What do you think? Since I was not
baptized until 2007, this means that the trauma I was enduring prior to this
was not endured in Christ. A lot of the anger I have, in addition to shame,
fear, despair, sorrow will be repressed. I am doing the very best with what I
have available to me at the moment. If I have repressed anger, this is aside
from the identity that Christ has given to me. I have repressed emotions
because I have never been able to confront the evils done to me. Again, I can
forgive. Which I have. Thousands of times. I cannot heal until truth is
confronted. I am moving forward in my life, quite in spite of this repressed
emotion. I am healing. Again, God Himself will corroborate my righteous
character when truth comes out for literally the past ten years. This is what
Christ through Jehovah is doing in me in spite of repressed emotion. Surely,
even if I am inculpable for almost every sin I have commit, I am also
inculpable for emotions, which I was forced to gestate in my body in response
to their treatment of me. Surely, this is not really about me. Even though God
the Father wanted it to be, I will recognize this. Let nobody be ignorant. This
is not about punishment. Anger would be justified, I think. This is about my
humiliation and shame. Do not deceive yourselves with a constantly changing
plethora of reasons. Still, I love you. I choose with the same act of will,
with which I have been forgiving for the past twenty years, to forgive you.
Again. And again. And again.. Let us let the will of God be done.
I have apologized
countless times for how I reacted to the way my abusers treated me. I have gone
to confession, in spite of the fact that nearly every way I reacted was prior
to my baptism. I will continue to do so. Maybe innocent is a touchy word. I was
morally inculpable. The entire basis of Christianity is the fact that people
can change, in their hearts, for the good. I don’t think I would want to be a
part of a Christianity that canceled Paul because of his past.
Let us not
forget Remembrance Day. Our fathers and grandfathers fought, war over war for
freedom. Freedom reign. You are not even realizing that it is being stripped
from you slowly. Yes, I am a terrible sinner. I will be the first to admit
this. That I feel I am inculpable is inconsequential. The fact is that
my sin has had an effect upon others. I am no worse a sinner than anyone else.
Keep reading and you will find out why I say this. But I acknowledge my sin.
Still, as Paul says in his epistles of himself, my conscience is clear. I am no
longer dead in my sin. This is because of who I am now. Who I am now is my
testimony. Please remember, my dear friends, whoever is listening, God loves
you. God respects our freedom. God respects our freedom. God has created
us free. Freedom is a good thing. Yes, with freedom comes the negative grace to
be able to say no to God. But to deprive people of that grace would make God a
dictator. God has given us the choice, and in this respect it is not a matter
of saying no to Him. It is a matter through which and by which, the only remedy
for healing can possibly come about. God values our freedom just as much as He
values us as creatures. Because God wants us to come to Him and only Him
through our personal and intimate choosing of Him, for Him. To deny people the
ability to think a certain way because a majority considers that way of
thinking to be false or even hostile, is to take away that freedom instilled in
man by God. Freedom is not the freedom to sin. But here, we have to define sin.
Is an idea a sin? No. Even if it offends others. It is not a sin. Is murder a
sin? Of course. Because we have freedom to murder is not a reason to do it.
Maybe I am sheltered. I do not feel many people in our world would use their
freedom to do such a thing. Again, maybe I am sheltered. When I think of
freedom, I think of the freedom to do positive things. But remember, just
because we feel something offends us or we feel something is a sin, does not
mean that it is a sin. The concepts of morality are being dreadfully twisted.
The Commandments are a good place to begin. But, in terms of stuff like
oppression, we never quite know the full story. We never quite receive the full
story. We have to be incredibly careful in making judgements about societal
oppression. Just because you have a loud voice, does not mean your oppression
is graver than someone who does not complain. More than this, please, remember
that people are so much more than simply their politics. To write someone off
because of their politics is like poisoning the well. It’s like saying, ‘what
he says means nothing because he is racist.’ To write off someone’s argument by
drawing attention to their personhood is the epitome of fallacy. It’s like
saying, he is smelly so he should not have an opinion on politics. Jesus.
Because he is smelly, he should no longer live. Here’s another one. Because he
is smelly, he should be supervised and surveilled. Or another one. Because he is smelly, he
should never experience love. Here’s a great one. Because he has been
traumatized so much sexually and emotionally in his life, he should never
experience love. In fact, we should do everything we can to deprive him of
love. Like robbing him of his wife and telling every woman whom he expresses
interest in that he is a terrible person. Name of God. Do you not yet see what
is happening? Again, these three essays are linked. Make the link you desire.
Me? I think it is envy.
God’s plan was always to reward me for what I endured in my
childhood for His glory. If I am innocent, if I am inculpable, what’s the
problem? As Catholics, our first obligation of obedience is to Christ, to God.
I am saying this of no disrespect to the current pope. But if a pope were to
come along who taught Catholics to commit idolatry, who led them into line with
secular world, would you follow him? Would you follow Christ? What are you not
hearing? I am not complaining. Satan has been seeking my destruction since I
was born. Don’t let your politics blind
your compassion.
The fact I
am still hurt is evident in that my legs tremor violently every time I get
anxious. It’s not as clear to see how emotionally and spiritually wounded I am.
Since my baptism, I have been conflicted in my faith. I have tried to reconcile
the fact that I have a mental illness with my faith. See, my cPTSD often causes
me to vocalize stresses and my emotions. It has caused me a lot of stress. In
the past, I have been difficult to deal with. I am confessing, years ago, I
used to be very difficult to deal with. I used to get angry, defensive and
vocalize my complaints whenever I was feeling threatened. You have all heard me
criticizing communism in one of these rants. Prior to my journey to the
religious community, I had a lot of emotions, which I did not know what to do
with or how to express properly. So, I vented. I am sure you have all seen me
shouting as I walk down the street. While, this reaction has settled since my
stay at the religious community, due to the healing I received there and the
good examples of how men interact with conflict, I have always struggled to
reconcile my faith with my emotional wounds. I struggled to reconcile my faith,
which says to turn the other cheek and forgive, with my emotional wounds. It
was even more confusing, I am sure not only for me, that while I was yelling
down the street, I could be simultaneously offering my seat on the bus to an
older person or giving money to someone on the street. These episodes were most
often caused by panic attacks or flashbacks. You have to be able to acknowledge
that this situation (what is happening in the world in relation to me) is
entirely unpredictable. It cannot be difficult to see why this is all
overwhelming and even frightening for me that everyone’s – EVERYONE’s –
perceptions about me flip 180degrees every couple of hours. It’s terribly nerve
racking. I always felt terribly after having one of these episodes. I have
taken it to confession many times. Each time, I wondered why I was not
improving. Finally, I took it to confession at my traditional parish in Ottawa.
I told the priest what was happening and how I was feeling. He told me that I
was inculpable and only vocalizing my thoughts. Merited, there were probably
many times where there was sin in what I was doing, I have repented for these.
Still, the root of the issue is in mental illness and the fact that I have not
been able to feel my grief and pain. Anyways, what this priest said to me that
day was like healing balm across the wounds of my soul.
Next, allow me to raise the question of my mental illness. I
have DID and cPTSD. I don’t like to label myself because God is stronger than
labels. But my case, my life is testimony for you all. It is testimony against
you all. For when you discover what is really happening in the world, you shall
see. See, my story is not only my story. What happened to me, the sexual abuse,
the emotional abuse is far too common. What we believe is in love, what we
believe is in intimacy is, actually, to the child experiencing it, abuse. There
is a real rape culture across the globe. You may call it original sin. You’d be
right about that. For all of it, every bit of it, starts with the family. For
mother, father, seek to show their child affection. It doesn’t stop there, does
it? We do it to other people’s children too. While you are suspicious of me, I
may be one of the few who is actually respecting of children and their
innocence now. What is even worse? There is a culture of satanic abuse. The
satanic panic of the eighties was so real it is obscene. And what they did to
those poor survivors. I’m telling you. You just can’t remember. No one can
remember. It is so traumatic, no one remembers. It’s happening all across the
world. In every land and city. Starts with the cultural elite. The doctors. The
lawyers. The judges. The unions. The movie stars and bigshots. Oh, good Lord.
Especially the movie stars and bigshots. I am writing these three essays
separately but actually, each could be an extension of the other. Am I revealing
your secrets? Goot. It is my sincere pleasure. People have got to know what I
am up against. The monster of this machine. They need to know I cannot do this
What does this have to do with culpability? It’s the
process. It’s their rituals. Here are the rituals. Here is the process. They
traumatize children (here I am talking about infants to eight year olds) to the
point where they are so hurt they fragment. The trauma literally pours over
into their capacity for grief and pain. So much so that they fragment. They
have to compensate for this pain by creating new identities, new personalities.
It’s worse. Here, they can access through the dissociation of the child, God’s
future plans for them. They then work to destroy that identity God has prepared
for them by traumatizing them. For instance, if God had it planned out that a
person was to be an aircraft pilot as an adult, they would make that child so
afraid of flight and air travel that it would become an act of God to overcome
this fear. They can actually program a child to commit an assassination at a
specific time in their future life. You know it’s true. And if you don’t, then you
are in for a hefty surprise and wake up call. This brings me to DID. In terms
of mental illness, diagnosed, it is among the most rare and special and unique
of all. I posit that it is very much as special and unique as it is asserted
among the mental health field. I do posit that it is not nearly as rare as we
believe. On the contrary, I believe it is very common. Precisely because of
this satanic programming. Many of us are not even aware of the many other
identities living in us. These are not demons. These are literally other people,
living within us. I lived for almost thirty-five years not knowing my other
selves. When I discovered them, it’s like I tapped into a hidden superpower. I
became a poet, a lover, discovered likes and talents I never knew I possessed.
Jehovah gave me a tongue like a sword. Before I met these other identities
within myself, I was like in a daze. I was literally a zombie walking. So, if
this is true, what does it say about culpability? Well, it means a lot of
people, a lot of people indeed, are less culpable than we originally thought.
It means sin and righteousness is not nearly as black and white as we once
thought. For, if, we have other people living in our bodies, who have been
programmed to commit certain sin, what does this say about us? I’m telling you.
Truth will liberate many people. So many people. Are you beginning to
understand the importance of my message? Somehow I think this will only make
your envy and bloodlust worse. I’ll say, what I wrote in my first book about my
life and its experiences were to the fullness of my knowledge. It wasn’t until
years after that more realizations started coming to me. About things I had
done. About the way I had reacted. My books are self sufficient. If you believe
me to be inculpable. I leave that to Jehovah to decide what I deserve. But,
almost every way that I reacted was attributed to an alter of mine. These
alters are not evil. They are just hurt. Their consciences are hurt. We speak
what’s in our heart. What do you say about that piece of Gospel wisdom now? Is
it really our choice what is in our heart? The Bible, while sufficient, never
considered this sort of evil. While it is and always will be the perfect
remedy, sometimes what we need is a hospital, not the final pill in a series of
pills. We need therapy. Not rehabilitation. The only reason you would question
the existence of evil at such a depravity is because you question the existence
of Jehovah. Even well-intended Christians are taking part in this. They don’t
know any better. It is what they know. We must be obedient to Jehovah. Not any
one else.
What good
is worldly justice? I see the wages of your worldly justice. It ignores crimes
of the powerful and rich, can be bought simply with a fistful of cash. Worldly
justice. Hah! It is as elusive as the evil one, working in the shadows, only
claiming to be a public good and commodity. Where was my justice? The men who
did this to me died peacefully and wealthily in their beds, surrounded by
family. Only I am left with the injury. Yes, yes, actions have
consequences. Do you only say that for sin that is in the light of day? What
about concealed sin? Pizza? Who the heck do you think you are kidding? Jig’s
up. Secret’s out. Can imagine plenty going to be upset at me for saying it.
Check your heart. Why are you upset at me for pointing this out? It’s not my
doing. Yup. I got some sin in my past. It’s in the open. What’s to say for the
‘swept under the rug’ sin? The concealed sin? Wait for the big unveiling!
There’s a skeleton in everybody’s closet! Look, I get it. I see why you don’t
want purgatory to be real. It’s going to be very difficult to face all you done
with your lives and not dealt with here. These are children man. These are the
most beautiful creatures of God. You can get angry at me all you want. I am the
only one standing up for these at the moment. The forgotten ones. The switched
ones. The traumatized ones. Wait. You shall see. You shall see what God, your
Jehovah, really feels about all of this. He will show you. Wait. I also was
forgotten. I also was switched. Taken and transferred at birth. In the name of
this nonsense. I also was traumatized. Christ, Jehovah desire to heal you. Just
so you know, all of these who have been hurt in the special name of your pizza
party have instant access to Jehovah. This is not the case for all of you. Wait
and see. There is forgiveness. There is healing. But you are going to need to
repent and recognize this is evil and evil to the extreme. This is going to be
quite a lot of repentance. What authority have I to speak on such a subject? I
have no doctorate, no PhD. I do, though, have experience with this, inside
knowledge, the Spirit of God and healing enough so that I am able to remember a
lot of what they were doing.
See, there's an element of this you are not getting. I don't
know if it's because of envy. Or frustrated justice. Or if it's part of the
curse itself. Satanic abuse in childhood is especially evil. It's not like
sexual abuse as an adult or even as a two year old child. The purpose of
satanic abuse is to destroy a child's spirit. Their hope. Their love. Their
faith. My wings have been hurt. I am doing miraculously with what I was given.
But this abuse is to form consciences in evil. I said years ago that it's no
wonder I was stumbled so much. It makes sense with what I endured. It is not an
excuse. This is a new phenomena. Satanic child abuse is the epitome of evil
because it destroys a human for their lives. It sets them onto a course of
stumbled evil. I know I have made a lot of mistakes. I apologize for most of
them. Nobody apologized to me. You will see. This is the reason for the
contract against me that I never work, never experience passion. A lot of
energy has gone into debilitating my sense of self and identity. Friends, I
can't do this on my own. Surely, you are not blind, laity. Surely, you see
clearly that your church is going astray. Please help me. If there is an option
to wait, please let me get married. I just want to do God's will. But I have
two groups speaking to me. The church on earth. And Jehovah Himself. Who do I
believe? You simply want to humiliate me to delay my message. God love you. But
get behind me, Satan.
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