Jan 17:
Well, I did it! ten full days on this fast! Whoever is following me, rejoice with me! I am not stopping here though. I have got to admit, I am feeling fantastic on this diet. Confession: I in fact, ate quite a few nuts, five eggs and even a bowl of light homemade popcorn from popping corn! It doesn't have to mean your diet is boring! I have heard said that you need to be rich to eat well. Point of truth, I saved an awful awful lot of money doing this for these ten days! My main meals were simply lentils boiled and sauerkraut, pieces of fruit and lots and lots of radishes! I owe it to myself, with my disturbed bowels to recommit to this diet! I love my body and desire to show it that I love it. It's just me. And this diet is good for me! Join me as I begin this fast again, recommitting as of January 17th, for ninety days! I will go to the gym again today. I have decided to postpone posting before and after pics until after the ninety days. I notice a sharp difference. Thanks again for following me here!