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Thursday, November 14, 2024

The Bitter irony of Serving Satan – Let every Knee bow to Jehovah

The way that satan has manifested himself in the world today is worse than at any other time in history. First of all, there is the ‘process’ of identity fragmentation I speak about in my culpability essay. In terms of governance and authority, the world is entering a phase never seen before. Yes, worldly authorities are corrupt. Every age and era of the past many millenia have known their share of good leaders and kings. Kings who restore and rebuild. These have also known their share of corrupt tyrants who destroy and tear down. The world has never really seen such a malignant political force as communism. Our Lady of Fatima warned us. There is no greater oppressive force to both the spirit of man and his physical well-being. Be clear, here, I am making a distinction between the politics of a country and its culture. We must be permitted to criticize and question our leaders. This is freedom. Without it, tyranny runs free, without anything holding it back. This is the work of satan. I am afraid too. I don’t think that the world will be able to survive a world wide tyranny under this reign. Obedience is good. We must never be obedient into sin. I am actually quite surprised to see so many Christians who are not obedient to holidays or anthems, willingly accepting experimental vaccinations. Yes, we are to be obedient to authority. If an authority ordered you to take a rifle and shoot your brother, what would be your response? These are the extremes. In terms of milder influence, are you really surprised to see the entertainment industry secrets coming out at this time? It’s not only that. There is an agenda. An ideological agenda being implemented. It’s in the schools, the movies, the television. What’s worse? It’s in the seminaries. Nobody is saying anything. Maybe this is the reason it simply continues and perpetuates. The ones speaking up you oppress and persecute. I remember a certain mayoral candidate a number of years ago in the city of Toronto. She was speaking reason reasonably. They canceled her completely. If I were to tell you that there is a sinister reason behind the immigration rises over the past three decades, you would call me racist, wouldn’t you? It’s okay. It’s what you have been trained to think. The purpose of this is voter control. Saturating certain peoples with other peoples, cultures with other cultures. In order to create conflict in the confusion. Look, this is the reason legal immigration is reasonable. It assimilates the person to the culture. It can all ALL ALL fix. Jehovah is ready to swoop in and restore everything. EVERYTHING. What makes you think that corporations have some sort of soul? Never forget that the purpose of government, business and entertainment is to serve the good will of the customer. I know that it is miniscule in relation to what else is happening. But the customers of a restaurant do not have an obligation to appease the wait staff. Common courtesy is a given. But, I find it laughable all of the abuse of ad time and no harassment clauses. No, harassment is not acceptable. But let us remember, government and every other form of public service exists for the benefit and good will of the public. Not the corporation. There has been a lack of discipline in the world for the past decades. Discipline must be remembered. Discipline is love. It is not abuse. I know first hand the effect of a lack of discipline. So I see it all around. For every generation that has existed, there have been child sacrifices. It is biblical. The disgusting god of Molech. When we see this happening in Scripture, we see something distant. Some eras, it is more evident than others. I am telling you, it is happening today. Even apart from abortion, which actually is a sacrament of satan, these rituals and practices have never been more active. We need to recognize this. Our eyes need to be opened to it. Then the healing shall take place.

What qualifies me to say this? By no means any worldly proficiency or skill. Neither schooling or certification. What qualifies me is the same one who has given me the wisdom I possess. I’ve told my story in other areas. There is no corroboration. This is precisely what I am saying. The memories are too traumatic for you to remember. There is someone very close to me who should remember but doesn’t. She is still under their spell. She had a lot of trauma too. I shared some of that with you as well. To this person and every other person who should remember, I forgive you. Yes, what qualifies me is my experiences. Far more than that it is in who I am. I am not complaining. Why do I say all of this? It’s because I have literally lived, seen and tasted a time when things were drastically different. Things can be like this again. Yes, the world will always be broken. And the restorative times do not make things perfect. But you need to ask yourself, why would you keep the world in a state of misery if there can be a restoration? Why would you deter the restoration? What motive could you have? Even in spite of the fact that this world will always be broken and doomed, the periods of restoration, love and peace were still very, very real. Look, I am sorry that I have to be the one to tell you all of this. And I am sure it’s not exactly uniting. Here’s the truth. Truth has got to be told. It will be too late soon. We need to remember the way it once was in this civilization. I am not angry. Name of God. Jehovah is neither angry. I just cannot express how pained I feel at seeing the world in this state. It fills me with grief. I know it does the same for Jehovah. Look guys, I’m not asking you to do this for me. When you have seen and literally stood before your God and felt His every emotion pass through your recesses of your body, it is hard not to share in this sorrow.

I am not that character. What I endured as a child, I endured because God asked me to. I am who God says I am. Before I was born, God appointed me and chose me to be His servant. My experiences of Heaven began before my birth. At least now we know why God blesses me so much. It is not Christian to try to hurt someone. It is not Christian to provoke bad in someone to justify even worse behavior. I wonder how a true Christian would react to hearing that an infant was sold and ransomed by close abusers to satan? That child having grown, who now lives a righteous life and seeks simply to be consecrated to God. He has eternal life because of the work that he has done. He has been trying so hard to rid himself of this weight. Seems like whatever he does, he cannot shake this contract of sorrow. He learns that he cannot help himself. Is the true Christian’s response going to be to help this child or provoke this terrible curse his abusers placed on him in infancy? I was an infant. This was my abuser’s choice. Not mine. Who is deceived? The one who stands firm to the message of Christ as He instructed and which has been this way for 2000 years? Or is the one who is deceived and who is deceiving the one who is trying to compromise Truth of the Faith with modernism and communism? Two of the biggest heresies of the past. I do not speak heresy. I speak what is common sense. Modernism, communism in the church? Wow. Name of God! For like a decade, you have been seeking answers from the wrong people. I have told my story. In cases of Satanic ritual abuse, the responsibility always lies in the hands of the abusers. It is the abuser's choice to put a child on this path. Not the child's.

Satanic programing is real. It sounds completely insane. Trust me. God will prove it’s real. The program I feel worst about is the program of shame I feel for things I want, for woman I want. I was literally programed to reject my basic needs. Like my sexuality. They worked hard on this. Even my time at the religious community was programed. I remember things said there that my abusers were saying decades earlier. Impossible things. Impossible coincidences. Abusers were programing me for the time I would spend there. First glance, I am sure this sounds ridiculous. Listen: These satanic doctors start in childhood. God controls the destiny of children. They want to mock even this. They get a child, traumatize him so much until they dissociate. In this place of dissociation, they can gain access subconsciously to his future. They can access his entire life. The child simply tells the doctors what they have planned. What God has planned. This is where these sick doctors work. They can program humans like video games. Through trauma, torture and suggestion.

I want to include this bit here in this essay about satan. I noticed on a popular social media app, recently, that my defence of Cardinal Pell after a friend criticized him was removed. Seems to be a common occurrence. The random and mysterious removal of ideas and comments that are unpopular. I created a brilliant argument years ago against a friend who was criticizing Christianity. Years after, the entire post was removed and deleted. Into the ethers of electronic social media. Here: Cardinal Pell was a beautiful man. How could I make this assessment with knowledge of what he was accused of? Simple. He stood for truth. And we are all accused of the exact same thing by God. Just wait for the secret sins to be unveiled. ;) We are all doing the exact same thing. We just call it love. Trust me, to children it is not love. If someone was especially holy, especially close to God, don't you think Satan would desire to tarnish that one's reputation and character? It is often the case that the holy ones are chosen as pillars to bear the responsibility of the sins of everyone. It doesn’t make it right. It doesn’t make it just. It will. In the Kingdom where they are crowned perpetually with glory. Just wait. Your sins are coming out too.

Perhaps a person does not agree with an idea politically. Therefore, they deny the possibility that the event could ever happen. In their lives or in the lives of others. It's all about culpability. I find it interesting that the founders of False Memory Syndrome foundations have been accused of abuse as well. Some people have a lot to hide. As though their self image is dependant upon the covering of these crimes. Soon, we will realize how often these things are really happening. Satanic Panic was real. I am living proof. What would it mean if truth came out in my case?

This is Truth: Jehovah God is perfect; just, love, truth and peace. Satan, the father of lies offers only destruction. He is the one who leads men to sin, who leads men to kill each other and to lie. This is the struggle: the continual wrestle between sin and love. Sin is the destruction of mankind, we need to do everything we can to rid it from our lives. Because, though, God is an understanding God, He is perfectly holy and cannot be surrounded by sin. Life affects us all. Unprocessed suffering and pain hinders our faith and no matter how much we try, if we are in places of hurt and sin, we cannot come near to Jehovah. But it is our responsibility to resolve the darkness in our lives. Because there is no excuse for sin. When I think of that, I see the idea more as being that God deserves better than that. God deserves our love, honor and worship. Things may seem like they’re struggling at the moment. But with God, everything works together for the good. Sometimes not in the ways you’d expect. But truth will be revealed. I was stumbled from day one. I think it is very difficult to expect a child going through so much to be perfect. The adult is always the one who makes the decision in cases of abuse. Abuse is never the child’s fault. Even as the child grows. Which questions the nature of culpability at its core. We all been traumatized as kids. We all got unresolved trauma and memories we cannot bear to remember. Even the pope. Even the cardinals. Only we have the responsibility to heal and move forward in love. This is all very re-traumatizing for me. I’m finding myself feeling very censored and ashamed at the moment of my right to speak and have opinions. You know how I feel about what they did to me. In spite of this, I will be grateful and thankful, knowing how much I have to be thankful for.

Purification and test or shame? Humiliation? Told you satan is trying to kill me. It becomes blatant. Invincible ignorance and inculpability are both Scriptural and Catechetical. If you feel I need to make reparation, I will still agree with you. If you only knew what I endured literally the full course of my childhood and young adulthood. This depends on what I am claiming. I say this with deep respect and love because I know that you are simply trying to get to the bottom of what I am claiming. Well, if you remember the several last posts I made in this, me private news broadcasting machine, you would know that there is a lot more to my story than simply the abuse. I think you are listening to the wrong people. I say it with respect for them especially.

I cannot think of a greater honor and blessing than losing your life for the glory of God. As well, with the glory He has planned for me. This being said God has wanted for me to die a happy death. I also want to die a happy death. This is frustrating because I will not trust. I cannot surrender. I do not think you are going to get the reaction or the result you are anticipating in trying to humiliate me. Not just from me. You may actually make me a #saintinaday. May God’s will be done. Regardless of what is being said, I would like to encourage you to appreciate that my current politics have nothing to do with my past. My past was misguided by trauma and misplaced anger. To prove this, Nazism was actually a leftist ideology. In spite of this, I am neither trying to influence the course of politics in the world nor trying to tell people who to vote for. Follow your consciences. By doing so, we follow the right path. For us. Remember truth makes all clear. My message is not in what I say or do. Though, what we say and do are becoming increasingly important to me. I used to always say that who we are is not what we say or do. While this message has integrity and meaning, what we do is truly important for how we relate with one another. In any case, I want you to know that we are, together, a beautiful world. God carries inestimable value in His heart for every one of you. Sinners included. This, after all, is a large reason for my coming. To call the exiles, the sinners to repentance. Do not forget what I have always said: The end is not come yet. This world, this life can still be beautiful. Remarkable. This world can be a foretaste of the love, the peace, the justice and the hope of Heaven. I remember once in the city of Toronto, walking the streets singing to myself the lyrics of the song from a popular movie of the 80’s. I’ll quote them here. I believe them fully that they can still be a reality: “In time, we’ll be dancing in the streets all night. In time, everything will be alright.” It doesn’t seem practical to deprive the world of this blessing in order to punish me. Forget about me for a second. Forget about those involved in my story and life. This is bigger. It has always been bigger. Keep faith. A time will come when we will be dancing in the streets all night. I remember also, actually it is the image in my mind when I meditate upon the joy and happiness that will come, the streets of Toronto after the Jays won the World Series in 92 for the first time. People were literally climbing streetlights. People were running between traffic, hugging and embracing each other. Screaming from balconies. What joy! I am sure there are better examples. I was not here when WWII ended but I imagine this was on a bigger scale, the joy. The world is hurting. People are hurting. There are not nearly as many evil people in the world now as the evil one will make it seem. Most people are just lost in their pain, their hurt. Because of this, their consciences have been altered. Healing is coming. Truly, it is coming. Truly, it is coming. Keep faith, blessed souls. We are all, every one of us, in this fight together. Not one of us is alone. If you ever find yourself feeling lonely, God is only a metaphorical phone call away. What’s His phone number? It’s in your heart, on the tip of your tongue. All you need to do is talk to Him. He wants to hear you. He longs to hear from you. Will you talk to Him? Will you open your heart to Him?

I feel shame constantly. It’s another reason why your attempts to humiliate me are so evil. I feel toxic shame. This sense that I am a bad person because of what I have been through. I’ve said before, guilt is a feeling of remorse over something we have done. Shame is feeling badly about who we are because of nothing we could have done. Anyways, I’m starting to realize that it’s not only people who can hurt us. I’m recognizing the threat at least, of other principalities. I mean very earnestly and succinctly that I have been lied to. I have been lied to not only by people. From my earliest recollection, the evil one has been trying to convince me that I deserved all of that maltreatment. That spirit has been trying to convince me it is God’s doing. This is how Satan works. I do not feel abashed in saying that Satan is a dang, dang, dang liar. Every so often, I’ll hear a voice that shames me. It happens a lot after I do things. Or don’t act on things. It will tell me that I should have done better. Or that I really messed up a relationship with what I have done or not done. Or that I don’t deserve to do something. I’m quickly recognizing this voice as the voice of the tempter. I’m ashamed to say that many times, in the past, I have listened to this voice. I want to acknowledge my contrition, my sorrow for this and offer repentance right now. It comes when we are at our worst. In suffering and pain. We need to remember through our every and deepest trial, God’s most holy and complete love for us all. I’ve been tempted from the earliest recollection I have. As much as I will say that it is unfair to tempt a child like the way that I was tempted, especially in what I was forced to endure, I recognize the great gift that has been given to me in a testimony that has transformed darkness into light. That will at least. And what that early temptation has taught me is that just as God is ever present in our lives, ever desiring the fullness of glories and joy for all of us, the evil one can be present in our lives as well. The difference between he and our holy loving Father is that he wants to rob glory from both us and more importantly, God. That spirit wants us all to experience darkness. God is the only path to light. Light and love is the only path to God. Choose light. Choose life. As I am choosing.

God loves us and wants so much for our love. Satan is the enemy. That one is the cause of all that is and has gone wrong in our world. I get the feeling that by using illustrations like abortion, it does the opposite of guiding you away from satan. Allow me to be frank. Satan does not care about you. Not one bit. Had he his way, he would kill you on earth and swallow your heart and soul. If you think of abortion like the murder of a five year old child, does this change anything? In any case, it’s a sin against your own conscience and against Jehovah first. You are the only one who will answer for it. But, there is forgiveness.

A lot of us, myself included, spend our time and energy focussing on the negative things of this world that we sometimes forget why we embarked on this journey in the first place. I pray continually for our brothers and sisters who are being persecuted overseas. Of all faiths. We are brothers and sisters. We all share the uniting theme that we suffer. Remember Christ. What He did. Who He came for. And why He came. Don’t let your hearts harden. Was Christ condoning sexual immorality when protecting the woman caught in adultery? Or rather, did he choose to see a human being in need of help and of divine forgiveness? Love.

I was evangelizing yesterday. In my own way. I shared with a woman that Jehovah loves her and she said in response that she hates Him. She said that she serves satan. I stood up and walked away. As I was walking away, I said ‘Jehovah still loves you’. This got me thinking. What a terribly foolish and tragically ironic thing it is to willingly serve satan. It is akin to willingly ending your own life. I do suppose that a third of the angels followed satan in his rebellion. The same may be true for humanity. How tragic it is when human beings get stuck into the mindset that this life is the totality of existence. For since we live once, best eat and drink and be merry. I promise you that this life is not the totality of existence. There will most certainly be a judgement. And justice is coming. How tragic it is that within the world today, so many beautiful children of Jehovah are trapped into this mentality that this life is the sum of existence and so succumb to their sinful nature. Witches, performing spells to gain fortune and power. Warlocks committing unspeakable sins to the same end. Are you amassing wealth and power to your benefit? Uncounted kings and princes of the past did the same. Where are they now? They all have the same fate and destination. Naked shall we leave, just as we entered. Is it really difficult to see that Jehovah is not the only one who gives wealth, power and success in this earth? If the world is in the clutches of the evil one, he will give his successes to whoever he wants. God sees what happens in the hidden recesses of the world. From His sight, there is no hiding place. We may feel proud and comfortable knowing we have escaped human authority for this long. God sees. And soon, so will other people. It’s already begun. But there is good news, friends. Our Father, Jehovah is a forgiving God, quick to pardon the sins of everyone, no matter how grievous they are. Thinking about that woman who said this to me, I would approach it differently if it were to happen again. I would ask her if something hurt her. If there was a terrible trauma in her past, which distanced her from the love of Jehovah. Of course, every single one of us are dreadfully stumbled by the entertainment and media. We see it, increasingly so. I remember when I was a kid, even horror movies were mild compared to what they are now. Pornography was rare. But even in innocent children’s shows, there was something happening. Shows meant for teenagers, putting the thoughts onto the watcher’s minds, ‘if God loves us, why so much suffering?’ All of this. Not to mention what happens behind the scenes in these industries. Here is the bitter truth: Serving satan willfully is like serving Hitler willfully, knowing his end while you’re serving him. Actually, it’s worse. Much worse. But I use worldly language so that you might understand me. Hitler’s lifespan was a grain of sand in the eternity, which is awaiting us. I don’t know his fate. I don’t know the state of his heart at the end. But I can guess he may have a lot burdening his conscience. Friends, there is a saint in Catholicism named St. Christopher. He has a beautiful story. Allow me to share it with you now. Based on my recalled account, St. Christopher found the prince of this world. Satan. Because he seemed to rule everything, have everything in his control, Christopher offered his allegiance to this prince. Being responsible for seeing passengers across a long and deep river, one day, a small child came and asked him if he would help him across the river. Christopher began to take him out. But the deeper and deeper they went, the heavier and more resistant the child became. When, in the middle of the river, the child told Christopher that He was the Christ and that he was carrying the burden of the world. Christopher responded, I was under the assumption that the world was in the prince’s power. To which the child responded, ‘I am greater than the prince. True greatness is in service and love.’ From this day on, Christopher offered his full devotion to this Christ. See, to Christopher, he was searching to offer service to the greatest. Thanks God, Jesus found him. He did not know. He did not know. But, we know. We know. We haven’t excuse. In this day, when the message of the Kingdom is proclaimed far and wide, in every language and nation, we must now know that God is not dead. Our sin separates us from Jehovah. We must know that God is indeed watching. We must know that God will have His day of wrath. And that this day is not some distant, metaphysical day, far off in the ethers – one that we need not worry about, because it has no bearing upon our lives. A time of restoration is coming. During which the sins of many will be laid bare. God will have His justice at this time. Hide yourselves, clothe yourselves with the crevices of the rock and the shade of the mountain tops. People will not be able to escape this. It will be an enormous display of both His love, His compassion and His wrath. For the true intentions of hearts in that day will be laid bare. It will be unmistakable, the state of people’s hearts before God. Hide you witches and demons. For Jehovah of armies comes, like a scythe collecting wheat at the harvest. What an honor and a blessing to know that He has chosen my story to be the catalyst of this justice being enacted in all the world.

I do not try to scare you. It will indeed be a frightening day for some. For the most part though, it will be a glorious day. A day of restoration. A day of faith and of glory. A day of hope and of peace. Truly, a day of justice. I say this to encourage you to seek Him in His glory now, at this moment. And as I speak to the wayward children of the world, so I also speak to the ecclesial bodies of the religious authority. Repent! Let us learn a message from St. Christopher. When one greater has come, let us serve Him. And serve Him alone. I am shouting from the rooftops. One greater than the prince of this world has arrived. Golly, I am not talking about myself. I wouldn’t. Even if it were true. And perhaps it is. But, here, I talk about the Christ. But, honor will go to the place she is due. Won’t it? The times for sweeping your sin under the carpet and silencing the lights of the world is over. Believe me, I say this with concern for your very heart. See you believe, because you are worldly minded that what you amass in this life is some end of existence. I pronounce to you once more, what is it for a man to gain the world and lose his soul? I know this all too well myself brothers and sisters. Satan can offer you fame, power, wealth, security and comfort. But in terms of eternity, you will have none of that. Hell exists, friends. It do. It was prepared for the fallen ones. Jehovah does not send people there. We will choose it of our own accord and will. For what is this life in terms of eternity? It is a mere flash. A speck in time. Following Jehovah through His Christ may be burdensome and even hurt. But, let us remember always the reward that awaits us upon the other side. It is a great and illuminated treasure awaiting us. I have seen heaven, friends. I have seen hell. I choose heaven. Not only because it is glorious. Also because of the sanctification and glorification of Jehovah. Jehovah deserves this honor friends. The irony of serving satan is in this: he would sooner trample you and mince you to pieces prior to helping you. We believe the riches, the wealth and the comfort are signs of his care for us. Ironically, he offers them to us because he hates us. He hates Jehovah. He is hate itself. He offers these to us because he knows if we are comfortable, we will not fight. If we are rich, we will never be content with nothing. He knows if we are well-fed, we will be unable to tolerate hunger pangs. If we follow satan, we will be dust. We will die. This is black and white truth. He does not stand a chance. The battle is already waged, fought and the outcome decided. He loses. Anyone choosing this side, will be lost as well. It will forfeit your soul. Your eternity. In addition to this, we believe that our anger and vengeance creates lasting wounds out of our bitterness. These works are not eternal. The sin we carry out now. The murder (and there’s a lot of it happening) is not fruitful for you. Murdering one is like placing a crown upon their victim’s head in the Kingdom. It’s not doing what we think it will do. But what can we expect from worldly minded people?

That people are not what they seem on the surface is very Biblical. People who are deemed ‘good and righteous people’ have secrets in their hearts as well. That is not to say that all good and righteous people are deceitful. I’m just saying that what is on the surface, is not always a clear indication of what’s beneath. Satan enters our minds and hearts so sneakily. To be deceitful and to sin is not always a conscious choice. This is why we must fill our hearts with love and Truth. In a similar way, people who are deemed hard, bad and sinners do not always have as bad a heart as we would like to think. Is it possible that life has simply affected them to the point where they are cold and distant? These are those for whom Jesus came. Much like the severity of an amputated limb, trauma can have a similar permanent effect on people. There are a lot of factors, which contribute to the way trauma(s) affect individuals. Our metaphorical cups can be filled both with negative emotion as a result of traumas, injustices and also as a result of harboring brooding upon bitterness and sinful behaviors. Just as our metaphorical cups can be filled with love and peace and Truth. Because trauma and bad stuff affects our lives negatively doesn’t have to prevent us from living full, happy lives. Fill your hearts with the Spirit in Word and prayer. This is love. It will have a beautiful effect on people. Yes, people are more than what they present on the surface. It is true, a third of the angels fell. Many human beings will follow these. Is this implying that we have no choice? That our fates are predecided? If you hear anything I say, know (do not only hear) that there is never a fixed outcome to our lives. We must know that it is never, never, never too late to call out, to call upon the name of Jehovah through His Christ. We must know that to Jehovah, all that matters is the state of the heart at the time of death. Yes, there will be opportunity to cleanse ourselves after. But, it is not a second chance. We must know that Jehovah will forgive pretty much any sin. You do not repent because you believe your sin to be beyond forgiveness. You believe yourself to be a lost cause. Because of your heart. Brothers, sisters, I assure you today that there is nothing, hear me, NOTHING that our God cannot forgive. It is free. All we need to do is turn to Him. But, at the same time, we must also be vigilant in that our futures are never assured in the Kingdom either. We must always be vigilant and ready to stand for our faith. The point? God is not an angry father. He is not abusive and short tempered. On the contrary. He is eager to accept us and our return. He is not only eager. He desires us with a burning and passionate desire to return to Him. For all of us, every single one, there is no other place in the world more wonderful and safe and accepting than the Father’s arms. While yes, many will indeed follow these fallen ones to judgement, it is my personal belief that not one human was ever intended for the fire. Yes, there will be a cleansing. For everyone. Especially baptized Christians. For with power comes responsibility. The important thing about this cleansing is not to lose hope. Keep faith. Do not despair. Despair is the enemy’s weapon. And while there is always forgiveness, God’s arms are always open, it does not justify bad behavior now. We must not say, ‘if Jehovah is forgiving up to the last moment, I will simply repent at the end.’ We do not know when the end will come. In addition to this, in the cleanse, we will have to face the repercussions of each and every action and word that we have said to others. Seeing our treatment of others. Will it fill us with hope and love? Or will it fill us with despair? End of the day, our choice is entirely our own. God does not judge us. We judge ourselves. We only build a lengthier case against ourselves by the evil deeds we commit.