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Saturday, June 22, 2024


Here is a curious topic. One which seems to have sparked interest in some and incredulity in others. I have heard voices since I was a very small child. I hear many voices, being DID. But the voices that come from heaven are always identifiable and distinct. I can also easily discern between spirits of God and spirits of darkness. I understand many will say I am crazy. I am not crazy. I am traumatized. This is the very reason God shows Himself to me. I have DID, yes. If you want my honest belief about that, there is no one as special to God than people with DID. I base this simply in the way DID is formed in people. It takes a lot of trauma to split a personality. God is impartial. What, then, makes one individual holier than the other? I shall endeavor to answer this question for you. What makes individuals holy and cherished by Jehovah is righteous suffering. Suffering endured in childhood is especially righteous because there is no sin there. God favors and shows His grace to innocents who suffer. Because the suffering I endured and attacks against me began when I was so young, actually before I was born, I am like a child. It's the reason God has shown me such grace. For those of you saying people who hear voices are schizophrenic, you need only look at the fruit. Look at Jehanne. Blessed, beloved Jehanne. It irks me that there are still people, ignorant, who say that Jehanne was schizophrenic. Everything she said, everything down to the 't' was proven right. She raised a dead child to life with the help of her prayer.  Not to mention schizophrenia is caused almost entirely by traumatic interference in childhood. Find me one that wasn't and I will prove to you that he simply has repressed the traumatic memories. In this is the bulk of my message. Trauma causes these issues. Yes, Satan influences people through trauma. Jehovah desires to influence us positively in our trauma. For those of you who doubt there is a spiritual world, where good and evil are battling it out, how are things going in the world today?  It's proof enough just to look around. Anyways, the fulfilment of my mission will not be in anything I say or do. It will not even be in anything the voices tell me. It's going to be in the revelation of the truth. 

Actually, if you want to consider this from a Biblical perspective, nothing is more Biblical than the fact that God Jehovah desires deeply to have a relationship with His children. It is even Biblical that Jehovah Himself speaks to individuals. I ask you seriously, why would this cease following the death of the first apostles? It is a Catholic perspective, but cannot be discounted. That God has continuously been speaking to individuals for centuries following Christ's advent. The fact is that He most often speaks to children. The children of Fatima, Jehanne D'Arc. These prophecies have become approved by the Church. Even if it is a church built upon tradition, one has to stop and question how has this process been discerned? It has been discerned with the progression of faith. Teaching in line with Church teaching. They have also been approved in many respects because the fruit of their messages have been proven true by God, as is the case in Fatima. It would be wholly unwise and blatantly ignorant to ignore the acts of Jehovah as He interacts with humanity. I bear with you because you are not getting the full picture. But this prophecy, given to three children at Fatima was vindicated by a physical miracle witnessed by over one hundred thousand people in Portugal. The angel of God speaks to every single one of us. As Jehanne says, "He speaks to you too, you simply cannot hear." It is a hardened heart and the wearing of original sin that blocks most people's hearts to hearing the voice of God. It is my assertion that all children can hear Him. I know. I know. It is difficult for a lot of people to believe. Hard for people to hear that God speaks to one person and not them. God can speak to whomever He wants, whenever He wants. Happened with prophets of old. Just because Jesus has come doesn't mean God's interaction with humans have changed. God's grace exists in the world either way. Part of His nature that He chooses some people to carry out His will. Not that He doesn't choose other people, but that He chooses certain people to do His will. 

Because God came to me at so young an age, I've developed great intuition and discernment, ability to recognize when they come from God and when they don't. These voices do not have authority over my life, but they do influence a lot over especially past ten years of my ministry. Voices from God are always upbuilding and for my good. Most often, they are Biblical. At times, they make me question whether they are Biblical. Like encouraging to speak my truth when Bible says to honor certain people at the same time. Afterwards, in reading the Bible in new lights, through new eyes, I see that these voices were entirely Biblical and for my good. I am very able to discern when spirits desire to do me harm. 

Jehanne D'Arc is my patron saint and guardian angel. She has encouraged me so much and given me enormous, enormous strength in my daily activities. She rebukes me and scolds me when I fall but is quick to encourage me like a good parent figure afterwards to continue along my path to righteousness. Afterwards, I know that she will be glorified greatly and given her proper place of honor. She is not dead. As Bible says, "I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I am the God of the living and not of the dead." Pray with it a while longer. I believe you will see the truth that individuals have souls and that even Abraham awaits his day of judgement. Simply pray on it. Like most else I am saying, aside from the exceptional common sense, I try to convince no one. Jehovah shall prove it. The reason I write this entry, in particular is so that after, Jehanne will be blessed as she deserves. What I suffered in childhood was for Jehovah. Because He asked me to do it, He is feeling a responsibility for me. That's why He showers me with blessings. The blessings are evident, are they not? The talents? I feel the envy. Nowhere in the Bible did it say that Jehanne Darc had to reclaim France for God. For the purpose of God's dominion on earth. If it had not happened secularism, corruption would have spread across the earth. France was a bastion of Catholic belief and faith. Catholicism was the way of Jehovah at the time. It would have declined so much. Faith would have lost hold. France was a fortress and a battlefield for God at that time. It's why it had to happen. It was a preservation of faith. This prophecy is no where in the Bible. But it was prophesied elsewhere. Jehanne just happened to be a very beautiful soul, receptive. God chose to use her to restore faith to Europe and the world. Her life really was a great allegory to Christ. I feel so incredibly blessed that she has attached herself to me. 

During childhood, only thing they were telling me to do was to tell what was happening to me. Wanted me to be safe, wanted me to get help for what abusers were doing to me. Wanted me to experience justice. Experience healing and liberation from toxic and abusive environment. Part of the reason I had difficulty in accepting this will is because Bible says to honor certain people. What happens when authority is corrupt and abusive? Not the best course of action to forgive when authority does not have best interest at heart. I know voice of God was telling me to tell on what my abusers were doing to me and to persist in that. I know this because of the fact that it was for my good will. People don't understand the importance of childhood foundation. Only way for me to heal was for me to have experienced justice. Only way for this to happen is for truth to come out. If it seems counter-Biblical, wait a little while. With new understanding, new events and new revelation, your understanding of Bible may turn. You may be able to see truths that were there all along, which you will be surprised you didn't see it in the first place. I believe that Jehovah would rather protect a child from enduring abuses rather than have them endure it for the sake of them forgiving later. God would rather save a child. Self love to stand up for yourselves. Probably more honoring to authority to seek to get it the help that it needs rather than simply sit back and take it for the purpose of being able to forgive later. If authority is abusing you, the best thing we can do is to get them the help they need. It's not in love to submit to sin. 

Bible is the primary vessel through which God speaks to people these days. But I cannot not believe that God is not talking to me. I also admit often bad spirits talk to me. I am just very perceptive and very discerning. It is easy when you have grown up with it.

The world has never really seen anybody like me. I kind of experienced a crucifixion in my childhood. I literally would have died in childhood had the angels not intervened. The effect of trauma and the effect of deprivation of foundational love has never happened to the extent it has in my case. My foundation was endured for Jehovah. Even though I reacted, while sin is not in the will of God, I didn't know God for most of my life. This may sound like a contradiction. When I chose to suffer for God was before my birth. My life, I have really been left on my own. The holier a person is, the more they will be subject to temptation and attack. I'll say again, when Jehovah speaks to you, it is impossible not to believe. Did you hear that? When Jehovah is speaking to you, it is impossible not to believe. Even the air around you alters. 

Are you trying to say that God no longer speaks in the world? I understand that it is comforting that God speaks to people en masse through the Bible. It makes crazy one who hears the voice of God. I understand this is faith because of Bible. But a third of Bible prophecies have not yet been fulfilled. Others fulfilled in Christ could be applied to others as well. To deny the fact that God speaks now is to deprive Him of a voice. What happens in the course of anticipating lies, you ignore God's voice? God warned in 1918 about communism and ww2 to children at Fatima. I don't understand why you don't want God to speak to mankind any longer. I understand it opens a path of dissension and envy, maybe even covetousness in the fact that God may speak to someone in particular. I understand that it is comfortable that God speaks to all through His Word. But why are you placing a fence around Him. He is not such a distant God. He is incredibly personal and incredibly intimate. He desires to have a relationship with us. I am incredibly proud of this experience. I kind of want to sing it from the rooftops. God is good. So incredibly good. He knows us so well. Every hair on our heads. Truth be told He speaks to each and every one of us. We just have to be quiet and listen. If we are doing His will, He tells us the exact same thing. "This is my son/daughter, with whom I am well pleased. 

The Holy Ghost still speaks to people today. It is just a matter of being receptive. When God speaks to you, it changes your life. Not simply for the fact that YHWH has made Himself known to you but also that He trusts small individual humans to do His will. That God speaks to whom He will is demonstration of His love. That Jehovah still speaks to His chosen vessels is demonstration of His great love. We should rejoice in the fact that He is so close to His creation. I wish I could help you see that it is quite the blessing for people to not speak with God. Blessed are those who believe and not see. Allow yourselves to rejoice in the fact that your faith is incredibly strong even in spite of the fact that you have not been given this grace. It may be a sign of your blessing. Listen. Listen, dear ones. If you listen closely enough, you just may be able to hear the voice of God. He speaks to you too. He certainly does.

For most of my life, but incredibly more increasingly over this past year, messengers of heaven would speak to me. For the first chunk of my life, they would come often. I wasn’t Catholic or Christian so I did not know what to think of them then. They were simply encouraging. At that time, they would come especially when I was being hurt. Some of these are documented in my writings. In my time at MH, they came rather infrequently. Although I was able, then, to identify them. Who they were, that they stood for God and for Truth. Saints would often visit me immediately after I had prayed to them. Saint Therese of Liseux has visited me. Therese gave me a promise of a grace, which is yet to occur. It will be a great comfort. Saint Bernadette came to me after a play in her honor, which we went to in Barry’s Bay. My dear friend Martin Luther King Jr. visited me a number of times. In my time at MH, I was visited on average, once a month. St. Jehanne paid me many visits and still does to this day. Our Lady has visited me a number of times. Once when I was at MH and twice after. Our Heavenly Father visits me quite frequently. Jesus Himself has visited me a number of times. The first time Archangel Michael visited me was just before I went to MH for the first time. The last time he visited me, he gave me a beautiful message, which I wrote in my phone. I lost the text because I had to reset my phone. I have written down most of their messages, unless I have been instructed not to. They are mostly in notebooks, which I have had over the years. Over the past couple of months, there has scarce been a day where I am not visited by spirits. The voices, it's almost as though they are prepping me for something. I will write a bit of what they tell me:

“I did not choose God, God chose me”

From Jesus: Most in Heaven are unknown to the true meaning of my life. They have only seen it through superficial lenses. Like everybody, within me is an entire universe, feelings and emotions. I am going to change the course of the world. It will be a surprise for them. My message has the capacity to bring peace and healing. The Church has forgotten that we are spiritual beings in physical bodies. They will come around. I have the support of every being in Heaven. I am innocent even though I have sin. There are many similarities between our lives. The crucifixion I endured was in my childhood.

From the Father or Mary: “When they realize truth, they will be attentive to my (J’s) needs. It is not their fault that they are being deceived. When they realize, they will scourge through every single word I have said, trying to make sense of it. When they realize, they will be flooded with memories of the real me, the real Jonathan.”

From an unknown spirit of God: “No one is as important to God as I who is living. I am innocent. Much good has happened as a result of my prayers. Roe Vs. Wade. Remember in 2017 and the peace in N. Korea? Humility will come. As will exaltation. My true family is growing in heaven. When they realize truth, I will receive everything I was deprived of. Nothing I could do could take away the love of God.

Mother Mary: “World is in a grave state. Church as well. So much sin. The time for His justice is near. If people only knew how real this justice will be and how real the mercy the Father desires to offer every soul through our Son, Jesus. I simply long to see souls find Him. In these days, He has called every soul. Not every soul chooses Him. It is an unnecessary tragedy for a human soul to be lost. Still many will be lost if they keep on the path they are walking. Justice is coming. A day prior to that day appointed, which no one knows the time of, a day where man will know that God exists in the Heavens as well as on the earth. And that He is king of this world too. The genuine evildoer will tremble in this instant. The Father desires so much for souls to be saved in that day. This is why He sends this day. For those who have abandoned Him completely, are persistent in their evil ways, He loves them too. It will be their own choice if they are cast off. This coming day will be entirely glorious and a strength for the faithful and true. I want to encourage the world. God is true. He loves every one of you. He will never give up on you. Repent, my children. Pray. Pray like you have never prayed. Jesus, my Son, is nearer than ever.”

From Jesus: “You are the only one. You are like my brother. You are my equal. In time, they will see the reason why. They shall accept that.”

Around the time when I started realizing that my confessions were not being held in exclusive privacy, God the Father came to me, telling me that if I needed to confess, He personally would be my confessor. He was offended by this breach and offered to hear my confession whenever I needed. He tells me, after confessing to Him that I am brand new, I am spotless like a lamb without blemish. Jehovah Himself has spoken to me over the past couple of years almost every night. 

What I say is not as important. My message is in my heavenly identity. More so, my message is in what I endured. God restores everything. Even if forced to confess to molarchy. God restores everything.

I am not even trying to prove these apparitions. I’m actually not trying to prove anything I have been saying about my spirituality. Truth will make sense of them and everything else. Eze 33:33! You shall see! Hey, what do you know, that rhymes! God will prove it if He desires too. Until then, know that I am not even trying to prove my faith. God will prove it.

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