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Monday, May 20, 2024

Heresy: Updated!

By this time, many of you are aware of my teaching - may the Lord vindicate me - that emotions repress and accumulate and that what happens in our development influences us for our entire lives. There are a few extraneous teachings, which I have made. I say them neither with certainty nor with authority. In fact, I submit to Church authority. However, let common sense speak for itself. I write this essay in order to encourage you that what I am saying is in fact solid truth as that Jesus died for our sins. I believe it with my whole heart. It is a method of poisoning the well to label one a heretic and not listen to what he has to say. It is only dismissing the possibility to learn. And yes, we all have a thing or two to learn. Even those with authority. Our world is very power oriented. It is an illusion satan gives to people to believe that those in power are more spiritually enlightened. 

We need to be careful that the desire for power does not make us silence those with something very important to say. "But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.” Acts 5:39. A rhetorical question to ask yourself may be, would you prefer to listen to one holy man who knows his sinfulness or hundred and fifty corrupt men who have a blatant agenda? When the Spirit speaks, some may hear it. But because it goes contrary to their agenda, they deliberately ignore its prompting. I posit that the same Spirit is speaking to me as to others. The others just may not want to hear what He is saying. There are implications if it's true. Look, I am not claiming authority. Never was. This is about truth about this. That's all. 

Here is the thing: Here is what I am learning. We all have a thing or two about truth that we could learn from each other. Yes, in fact, even those who are living sinful lifestyles, we can learn from. It's true if my message is true. If I had to guess, many people deemed as heretics were deemed as such for the purpose of silencing. It was not in love. Not at all. Look at my beloved and special sister, who I absolutely know is guiding me, Jehanne D'Arc. Look at what they did with that special and poor girl. Look, we need know that the liberating point of our society, the point when people will be able to say that we are free, will be when we all, every one of us have the right to our own beliefs. There will be no need for psychiatric hospitals because all will experience healing. This is peace in this system: Freedom of thought. Freedom of expression and freedom of worship. All living in harmony and in peace.

In my journey to faith, I have embraced many religions, consentingly. I was raised in satan, (It was not at all a choice of mine), raised atheistic, baptised Baptist, nurtured Ebionite faith, raised spiritually Evengelical, Confirmed Catholic, trained by JW. In addition to an intellectual formation of every world religion. I will say that at my heart, I will always be a strong Trad Cat. I am learning so much from the Witnesses. While I do not agree with everything they say, they have a point. A lot of what they say is spot on. Jehovah can use them. Anyways, what I am learning is that no one of us have exactly the right knowledge of truth. This is because of the fact that none of us can know the spiritual realm completely. I even spent time in heaven and hell and met Jehovah personally. For the skeptic, I assert that my emotions were damaged in heaven (I was meant to overcome during that coma) and Jehovah never revealed Himself to me visibly. Only audibly. None of us can know with certainty. All that matters is love. All that matters is love. Jesus, the Messiah and Son of God, provides a remedy for this division. This is the uniting point in everything. Religion is not so important as love. But, we need clear definition of love. For those living in its embrace, we know its meaning. But we must never be led into believing that love tolerates abuse. On the contrary, love flees abuse. Out of love for the self. Discipline is different from abuse. 

All this to say that as far into JW as I get, I don't believe my views on Jesus will ever be distinct from those of the Church. As much as in many respects, I agree with them, I have my very personal understanding of Christ, which are in line with the Church. I do believe that Jehovah, Jesus and Holy Ghost are distinct. But, spiritually. This is where I have personal experience. Temporally, they are united. This may seem confusing. Wait. God will reveal it to you. I will say, when I say Jehovah bless you to people on the street, I get some resistance. I ask you, what dishonor does it do Jesus if I bless people in the name of Jehovah, the proven name of God. On the contrary, I ask you, what dishonor does it do Jehovah if I bless people in the name of Jesus? If they are God, their foundation is secure. 

The only protestant belief I think I may be challenged with that I hold is in terms of grace alone. Hear me! I never said people can be saved by grace alone. However, it is undeniable that Catholics can learn something from the concept of grace. In that works based salvation breeds competition. Competition in terms of faith is destructive. I never really experienced competition in my faith until I entered the Church. Same with envy. It seems my presence got a lot of people envious in the Church. It's because we believe we can work our way up in favor with God. I implore you to see that God shows man impartiality. He sees every man the same. Except in terms of grace. In terms of grace, think of this. It's an analogy a priest used years ago. He said, imagine he held a twenty dollar bill. Who wants it? Everybody held the hand up. He crumpled it. Who wants it? he asked. Everybody held the hand up. He ripped it. Who wants it? he asked. Everybody put the hand up. Regardless of what we do or say or even regardless of our sin, our value does not change before God. This is all I'm saying. And that God allots grace differently to different people. It's why children are the most valuable to God. Even more than scholars and leaders. The least are the greatest.

As much as I believe in America, I do not advocate Americanism. Of course I believe in America! It is the world leader. I have not given up on my world yet. What happens in America directly influences the world around us. Many of the principles, upon which America were founded on, were enacted to escape tyrannical rule and oppression. Naturally, it veers away from Catholicism. However distant it may seem, I encourage you to rethink your perspectives regarding this on the pretense of what happens when tyranny and oppression stem from the Church's hierarchy itself? I'm not saying that is happening. But, naturally power resists freedom of everything. Power maintains itself. Under a perfect world and system, Catholic Monarchy is a beautiful rule and system. In fact, times are coming when these good rules will return. I am only warning you to guard your freedom. Freedom is incredibly precious and can be taken advantage of greatly.

Trauma accumulates. Shame and other bad feelings accumulate. Injustice and anger also accumulate. That bully from high school for whom you have been holding resentment, possibly reasonably – well, at home, his parents beat him nightly. This is said to illustrate there is a lot more going on than what we can see. Is it an excuse that he perpetuate this anger? Probably not. Said to illustrate the fact that in a lot of cases, he is a kid too. And he’s probably going through this as he is acting out. But, it’s much more common than we think. This is not a dualistic message. The body and the spirit work in harmony… when one is damaged, the other will be affected. What I am saying is that when one is damaged, we need to heal it in love of the Spirit. It is catechetical that some sins are more or less culpable based on a number of factors. I am not advocating dualism. It may seem counterintuitive. But, I implore you to see the body and the spirit, not as opposites but as complementaries. I choose this language because of my lack of language. Since I see it troubles you, I implore you to see a human body and its emotions instead of body and spirit. They are not opposites. But they are distinct. This goes without saying. Just as a finger is as different from a nose. You'd expect ones with knowledge of the Trinity to be able to assess this simply. They are not opposites. They only have the potential to run in conflict to each other when trauma occurs or interference occurs. The body and the spirit are not distinct. They work together in harmony. Is this not precisely what I said in the first place? Neither the body or the spirit (emotional well being) are evil inherently. I am not a Gnostic. The material world is created and intended for good. I don't have a special knowledge that is any more than common sense. I encourage you to hear sound thinking though. Here, you may say, of course I am! I defend myself by saying that the only reason you are not hearing what I am saying is because your hearts have been hardened because of my politics. Truth being so obscured may contribute but it is not the main reason. The main reason is that you are threatened by the fact that if it is true, your entire system will change. There is a lot invested in what I am saying not being true. I see this. Remember, I am only telling my story. I am only telling my story. God vindicate my injured cause. I appeal to your consciences. What if it's true?

I am not a Manichean. I don’t think it is a secret that I am a Christian man. I’m not trying to convert anyone. Only seeking to share what my gentle and beautiful God has done for me. The words of the prophets all pointed to the Messiah of Love. “For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” The God of all religions is the God of Love. Jesus is the Messiah of Love. There is a god of this world. That is the one who causes pain and hurt and death and darkness. “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” Therefore all who trust in love, follow God and His Christ. In my opinion. The purpose of this life is to find God. We are not living this life for this life. But for Life. Therefore, our times are investment. To live our best, to love. God wants us to enjoy our lives. Of course, there is more to the story than simply an image of a manicheanistic universe. There are many different facets to consider in this issue, particularly when it relates to the consideration of human and divine activity and their relation. But, this concept is very scriptural. The principalities involved in this concept are not equal. As God, the Father will always be greater. He is the only Creator and everything is in His control, even if it is against His great Will. Satan is called the father of lies. God the Father has distanced Himself from intervention in worldly affairs due to our choice of original sin. This does not mean He does not care for us. It breaks His heart when we are hurt. But, in His glory, He is able to utilize our wounds for His glory. Though, God the Father will have the judgement of this world, through His Son, Jesus Christ, the world is not reigned by Him, on a temporal level. This is in order to allow us in our free will, to return to Him, to love Him and to choose Him.

I am far from a Modernist. But I do know of some in the Church today! I never, not once said that my prophecies were more important than Divine Revelation. In that sense I am not a Montanist. I am not a Pelagianist! I am not a new age. I get it. Many are threatened when I speak of cosmic terminology such as emotions and inner children and compassion. I appeal you to see that what I mean by inner child is emotional and healing of the inner child is not as a group of aged people seated in a circle on the ground, chanting and hitting cymbals and clapping hands. What I mean by this is a reparenting. Of ourselves, for ourselves, by ourselves. It is not difficult to see that we are emotional creatures and that our emotions affect us. On top of that, one religion advocates political involvement while another does not. Here is my logic around this: Christianity is not a private religion. Children of God have an obligation to be involved in the formation of laws and in the body of politics. I am a worldly Christian. Not in terms of sinfulness. Anyone who knows me, knows I have been holy for ten years. I am worldly in the sense that I believe in the goodness of this world and in the possibility for what it can be. We have to be able to discern and know the facts about what is being passed. Still, politics is not the solution to the world’s problems. It is a vessel. I feel that a revival is needed. And it will certainly come. 

So, I don't want to challenge anyone. I desire that everyone be nourished by my life. But, I encourage you to see that truth can also be a form of nourishment. Truth sometimes needs to be told. If you have faith, you would see that the early accounts of the Bible, actually every account of the Bible does not tell us the entire story. There are elements, which are left out, not included for the purpose of developing faith. It's true that all we need know is included in Scripture. But, it is obvious that there was more to many of the character's lives as what is presented in the Bible. Noah lived over 900 years! That's a lot of history not included in the Bible. If this is true of the past accounts, how much more true will it be for future accounts? The Bible is not an era encyclopaediae. It doesn't document every aspect of truth that will or has happened. I simply ask you, is there a possibility that there is a lot yet to be seen? Love compels us to acknowledge that we might not know what surprises God has in store for us. After all, the Book of Genesis does not prophecy how Moses will save the Jews from Pharaoh. Neither did the Torah predict the Babylonian exile. It is not in love to be so convicted of truth that you close a blind eye to the will of God when it is made known. Neither is it a medical or chemistry handbook. That is not to deny that medicine is important. The reason I am attracted to JW is this same reason. Their conviction to Biblical tradition. Good. I am not asking you to believe me about my faith yet. But I cannot do this if no one believes my story of what I endured. My church is in such a mess. They follow communism. they follow modernism. They say homosexuality is not immoral. They worship idols. It is still the true church. JW are incredibly special. It is for these that I have come. These are my sheep. Dear friends, whether you believe it or not, you are considered Traditional. It is understandable that you test me. I will be submissive for the entirety of your test. I just pray that you remember me after you have had your fill. Don't be so mesmerized by my politics that you forget compassion. If Jehovah desires it to be true, He will make it known. 

We all have access to the Word of God, the Holy Bible. I pray that you are not tempted into disbelieving my testimony because of the Truth of the Word of God and because of its unchanging nature. I assure you that I speak nothing other than the Gospel of Christ in love and truth and that any understatement on my part is only a result of the suffering I have endured as well as the mistakes that I myself have made as well as my limited language with which to express the things I know. The Apostle Paul was a great man and fully convicted in the faith. He was very vigilant about the Way. This had to be. And he was rightly glorified. Just as this has to be now. I have only told you the truth that comes from my heart. Still, I do not expect any of you to believe in my testimony until God has proven it as what He desires. “They have seen false visions and lying divinations. They say, ‘Declares the Lord,’ when the Lord has not sent them, and yet they expect him to fulfill their word” (Ezekiel 13:6). I am not asking you to believe now, just that you have faith and compassion and understanding. If it is His will, it will be made clear. For the Word of God is immutable and unchangeable unless God chooses to make it so. God’s heart is loving and eternally unchanging but it is evident in the Bible of passages that suggest God changes His mind on a temporal level: "So the Lord changed His mind about the harm which He said He would do to His people." (Exodus 32:14). In cases of sin and repentance, God can change His mind. We see this in the Garden of Eden as well as with the Christ. With human free will and as God learns about us by our decisions, God can change His mind. Other areas of the Scripture are sufficient but not entirely clear. I speak only what has been instructed me from God. I believe it because I have faith. What is the purpose of a prophet? It was either to defend, to call for a return or the application of a new, word of God. Just have faith. I admit that others could have done the job better than me. But I have run from Him far too many times in my life because of the weight on my heart and only want so much to do the will of God now. Keep faith. The Book of Remembrance has been written: “Those who feared the LORD talked with each other, and the LORD listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the LORD and honored his name. ‘On the day when I act,’ says the LORD Almighty, ‘they will be my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as a father has compassion and spares his son who serves him. And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not” (Malachi 3:16-18). The Book of Life is written. To them who believe in my testimony and what I have said has happened to me in my life, will have the Book of Life opened to them. My life has been one of sorrow and pain. All I needed and want now is for people to acknowledge and to respect what I know for a fact I have gone through. Have faith and keep patience. I am just a human being like all of you. This letter, I admit, may be a little difficult for you to understand now. I apologize for this. I am explaining what I know in the only way I know how. If it is God’s will, things will be made increasingly clear. Until God created it, it didn’t exist. Think about that.

The Word of God remains true. In it, you will find all that you need. When you read the Holy Bible in context, things become a lot clearer that you cannot base the entire concept of God on a few passages. Things become a lot more clear and lead to the conclusion that God only loves this world, His Creation. It becomes more and more clear that God is not a villain to fear or even to appease so much. Rather, it becomes clear that He just loves our world and that all He expects in return is for us to love Him. 

I am not a teacher ordained by the Church. Therefore, I cannot teach heresy. If you need more than that, I am not teaching. I am simply using my private computer. To record private thoughts. I really do not want to talk about politics. It, honestly has become an incredible passion of mine. But I recognize the fact that it could detract from my message: trauma accumulates. This behavior perpetuates. Much more often than we remember. And we need to heal our inner children. God keeps steering me back towards the political issue. I am not speaking heresy. Well, I am not challenging the authority of the Church. All you need do is stop reading what I write here if you do not like it. Trauma accumulates. Shame and other hurt feelings accumulate. Injustice and anger also accumulate. That bully from high school for whom you have been holding resentment, possibly reasonably – well, at home, his parents beat him nightly. Said to illustrate there is a lot more going on than what we can see. Is it an excuse that he perpetuate this anger? Probably not. Said to illustrate the fact that in a lot of cases, he is a kid too. And he’s probably going through this as he is acting out. But, it’s much more common than we think. Everybody. Every single person on this planet is perpetuating their inner conflict. This is not a dualistic message. The body and the spirit work in harmony…when one is damaged, the other will be affected. What I am saying is that when one is damaged, we need to heal it in love of the Spirit. You say yourselves that some sins are more or less culpable for based on a number of factors. Just like us humans are spirit and body… I have said nothing of a manicheanistic heresy. Nothing except that which is written in the Bible itself. I have read the Bible seven times, have read the CCC. What greater anchor can one have in truth other than what the Church has always, always, always taught? This is what I am doing. Politically. The Church has always held that Communism is heretical. As well as theologically. I remember reading in St Pope Pius X’s Catechism in the Ten Commandments section on parental responsibilities: that parents have an obligation to raise children well and to not hurt them. Also, if what happened to me is true, wouldn’t it make my message entirely morally about invincible ignorance? Why do you not believe I have changed? I wrote earlier this week that the reason they want you to think I am caught up in sin still is because if it’s true, it would undermine the integrity of my message. For the glory of God, I have been chaste years, with an improving struggle. Stumble every so often. Golly, I am not a monk. And I am not forgetting my needs to please you instead of God. I don’t drink, gamble, smoke. Have not used porn in over eight years. Check your cameras. You have access to my devices. Should know what I am doing. I will be the first to admit that I have a sinful past. And that I need to repare for these sins, I accept. I ask though, what is the difference between a concealed sin and a revealed sin? It was I, myself, who brought my sins to the police and confessed them in a book… Don’t make me out to sin mortally because of my disability. I am a saved sinner. I am living in a state of grace. I am only wounded. I am not bitter. I am not angry. I am wounded. I surrender to the Lord to show you if my message is true or not. Modernism is the heresy I am concerned about. I submit to the will of the Church. But, once again, you need not read what I am writing here. Remember compassion. While it is different from mercy. Sometimes, it is merited. I surrender to the Lord to show you what is happening. Everything I said happened to me did happen.

I warn you not to become Donatists. 

Don't forget: Girolamo Savonarola. 

Watch out for Josephinism!

I am traumatized. This that hinders my true expression of my soul. Is this not what I have been saying from the start? We need to nurture our foundations. This is the reason I have been talking since I wrote this book about what needs to happen for the blessing that will come. Friends, I am not trying to prove my politics. Only that children need love in their developments, trauma accumulates and how to heal from these repressed memories.

I’m not trying to excuse bad behavior. Of course we know right from wrong. Our consciences, though, can be played upon and manipulated by our hurts. They are greatly influenced by the choices we make in past. I’m saying that our consciences can be shaped, as young children by what we are put through. Or rather, our choices can be heavily influenced by the weight of hurt and pain, unprocessed on our soul. And by those who influence us most

Evidence is where you search for it. Nobody remembers. But there are other evidences. The symptoms are all there. The body doesn’t lie. I have been conditioned. It is common sense. If you desire to see it. It will take a little heart, merited. But if you want to see it, it will be plaid. Is it my politics, which make you not want to see it?

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, whether the ideology be individual or collective, is not the Christian way.

Think for yourself. This, too can be considered a great virtue these days. When you are thinking, use reason, not feeling.

I end with a quote from the Book of Enoch of all places. In chapter 35 of the Book of the Secrets of Enoch, the writer writes: "Behold from their seed shall arise another generation, much afterwards, (here, the author is speaking of the flood) but of them many will be insatiate.

. . . He who raises that generation shall reveal to them the books of your handwriting, of your fathers, to them he must point out the guardianship of the world, to the faithful men and workers of my pleasure, who do not acknowledge my name in vain. . .

And they shall tell another generation, and those others having read shall be glorified thereafter, more than the first."

The way I read this is that in the end times, another group will arise, even more wicked than in the days of Noah. But that one will arise who will make known to them the writings of Enoch. They will repent and afterwards, another generation will arise who will be holy and blessed. This can happen. It can happen. All you have to do is turn your heart. God loves you all so incredibly much, friends. Jehovah is the Father of lights. He is also the Father of graces. He has abundant graces in Him. And He is eager to bestow them to whoever accepts them. Open your arms, accept the grace of God. It is not a misinterpretation that Jehovah sends His restorer before the end of things. Do not let your envy or your politics blind you to compassion and love. God is moving. Let us follow with Him closely.

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