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Saturday, May 11, 2024

Catholic Social Teaching:

You may ask what right is it of mine to make comments on these teachings. I ask you what right don't I possess to make comments on these teachings? Far from a condemnation, I simply want to comment for consideration. That people may benefit from my wisdom. Look, I care greatly for my Church. Yes, in spite of how distant I walk - and equally, in spite of how distant she walks from me - I will always be a Traditional Catholic. These are only brief thoughts off the top of my head. Perhaps, Jehovah will lead me towards a deeper analysis in future. But, we need to know that the direction she has traversed is not in God. God's people are distinct from the world. Keep this in mind. But: they've a responsibility to guide and shape the world and its dealings. This is a Christian duty for the institution as well as for the individual. Read. Or don't. God Jehovah shall prove His will. Either way... 

Dignity of human person: Yes, everyone has dignity of life. Not only children. Not only women. Men, white men too. Even ones who are being cancelled because of mistakes in their past. Forgive me, I got a little bitter there. Lol. What I mean to say is that I really like this teaching.

Principle of association: YES! We should be doing more to encourage and facilitate individuals to participate more. This is where evangelization comes in. There are a lot of hurting people these days. Especially in cities who are very broken. Mark my words, the 'city' also is coming to an end.

Common good: Unity and brotherhood are ideas that seem good. It is not sustaining. When ideas clash, divisions arise. Common sense. This common good idea leads towards nwo. Do you not realize that nwo is a prophecy of end times? End times can be postponed, if we desire. Nationalism is the safest bet and a good system. In that it upholds and seeks after the well being and safety of individual populations. Yes, absolutely we must love one another, locally and globally. The best and most efficient way of doing this is by maintaining a little bit of separation.

Solidarity: A nice thought. We are all in the same life together. But, we do not all have the same goals and beliefs in life. This can place us on conflicting paths. Solidarity as a brotherhood and respect for other brothers and sisters is a pinnacle thought. But, the responsibility of the charity and upholding of that dignity lies with the individual. It's why healing of the human heart is so important. It's the reason evangelization is so important. If we care about their souls, we will teach them the truth. Healing of the world lies with healing of the individual. 

Preferential option for the poor: Leviticus tells us not to favor the rich or show special treatment to the poor. Money will come and go. It is not the mark of a man's soul. Their soul is much more important. Besides there are many other means of poverty than only materially. Communism is not Christian. 

Stewardship of Creation: Yes, we should care for our home, the planet. You lack faith if you think that Jehovah does not have the power to completely transform it back to perfection. What you mean, man? Trust in God!

Role of government: Yes.

Participation: Yes.

Rights and responsibilities: Yes.

Economic justice: Yes! This is my favorite teaching. Not that incomes need be distributed equally but that work is dignified and holy. Everyone has a right to work. This is not a criticism but a warning. With the increasing interconnectedness of our world, with the rise of AI and machines, a lot of jobs are going to be lost for the common worker. I've heard the argument that the alleviation of manual jobs (cashiers, factory, etc.) will free up the workforce to employ more important jobs. This neglects the fundamental fact that most of the workforce was employed in manual jobs.

Peace: Yes.

Everyone is equal. Yes, we are all given what we are due. equality exists morally on a level of giving everyone the same opportunity to advance as the next. It is communist and perhaps even amoral to adjust the equality levels of marginalized groups in order to give them a preferential treatment. I lament saying this but I feel a disparagement has arisen in our world today in terms of understanding who is marginalized and who is needing of help. It's evident abundantly in the fact that half of city populations are living on the streets. Those who truly need help are to put it simply, those who need help. Disabled people, wounded-es, yes, the poor. But, I remind you, poverty does not equal holiness.  


  1. Interesting perspectives bubs. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and impartially no matter their social, economical status or nationality.
    Evangelization is a way Jehovah dignifies each individual to be supported through their individual needs and situation.
    He obviously wants unity and brotherhood being all his children. Borders are dividing and stirring hatred between nations and so we know they were invented by Satan and his organization to disturb the peace that was meant to be. No wonder they themselves are divided and hostile to one another. The world’s turmoil is just a reflection of what’s happening in their realm.

    We known this will be reversed though. The earth will be brought to a Garden of Eden state again. What a privilege to be assigned to participate in that global permanent cleanup. In that time everyone will have a satisfying work to do which will bring worldwide equality. Technology will be controlled and won’t control human society anymore.

    May God’s will take place also on earth and God’s Kingdom come.

    1. You are missing the point on what I mean about nationalism. Of course, everybody deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. I don't mean an ideological nationalism. I guess the term has received some negativity over the years. I'm not talking about Christian nationalism. This is what I mean: Increasingly, as a world, we are headed in the direction of a one world government. This is not healthy for society. It is evident in the account of the Tower of Babel that when all of the world comes together in a united effort, there can be pride there. It can lead to sin. Thinking of it, a one world government inherently is tyrannical. This is kind of the nature of it. There can never be, while we are in this system, a political world-wide utopia. The same thing is happening today. Do you think this AI technology and pornography is healthy for us? Yes, borders inspire division between nations. Certainly, it's true. In a healthy (not perfect) system, leaders can create unity and love amongst their people and live in relative peace and harmony with the rest of the world in similarly developed nations. I'm talking exclusively about a political nationalism, a form of rule, which looks out for the best of the own country's citizens. It's like when Jesus sent the twelve to minister to the Jews. Or when Moses commissioned many when he was having difficulty judging for the people. If you think a one world government has the best interest of its citizens at heart, why do they need this much power? This will be a tyranny, certainly. It's actually the definition of tyranny. Don't forget, the Lord said that He would sow division. I look forward to the Kingdom also. But it is not yet. Things do not have to fall so quickly! Don't give up on this world so quickly! Nationalism in this way is to keep the peace. It is not far fetched. It can be done. It has been done. Don't look for perfection. There will always be someone oppressed. But in terms of stability and common good, it can be done.
      Numbers 15:30 “But anyone who sins defiantly, whether native-born or foreigner, blasphemes the LORD and must be cut off from the people of Israel."
      Leviticus 24:22 “You are to have the same law for the foreigner and the native-born. I am the LORD your God.”
      Proverbs 23:10,11 “Do not touch the boundaries of little ones, and do not enter into the field of the fatherless. For their close relative is strong, and he will judge their case against you.”
      "How shall we sing the LORD’s song in a foreign land?" Ps 137:4
      Borders are important for so many reasons. At the top, national security and protecting its citizens. Borders are vital to the stability and order of a civil society. Mercy and the Law are connected. The church already does a lot of humanitarian work. I believe that the Church is the world’s largest charitable organization. With schools, hospitals and other institutions like homeless outreach and foodbanks. Borders are vital to the stability and order of a civil society.
