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Thursday, August 11, 2016

January 4 & 5, 2015:

This is a two-parted entry because I missed my post last night. I missed posting because I was out with friends. First of all, I am so grateful for having so many beautiful, warm hearted and caring friends. Not even to mention my wonderful friends on facebook who have been so supportive, my real life friends are great. Yesterday, I went to the bank and walking to the bus, I saw a friend who I hadn’t seen for a while and he gave me a ride back to my place. I couldn’t believe he even remembered me as he was more a friend of my parents. He told me to call and to go see him and his family. After, I went to really good friend’s place where we played board games. We do this most of the time, once a week. I am so grateful for their support. Although, sometimes I feel myself getting out of hand and saying things I wouldn’t say if I were relaxed. I’m having fun, get excited and in getting excited, I sometimes say things in a manner in which I was treated as a child: negatively. I do this because I associate fun, good times and love with abuse. Anyways, there’s no excuse. I’m going to treat my friends better because they deserve it. I’m just so thankful for their support and company. Secondly, I am grateful that God’s love is a raging fire. I am thankful that God disciplines those He loves and cares about. I am grateful to God for the sufferings I have experienced for His glory as well as the periods of dread, which have come lately because they have humbled me. Praise God for His mercy and love!

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